Literary cafe "Ginger" Poznyaki

Yes, this is a hearty and delicious vegetarian restaurant.
Rating 9110

29 april 2017Travel time: 6 april 2017
Almost fell asleep! And not because they carried the order for a long time, but because it is as calm in Ginger as at home without children. Melodious mantras are heard from the speakers, the waiters do not come running every minute, and the sofas have a backrest slope of at least 45 degrees ...But this is not the main advantage!

They serve a delicious vegan latte with almond milk...Can you imagine? I think not : -) I could not imagine it, you can only try and remember. If someone else doubts, then I will mention milk with nuts. It's churned, lightly sweetened milk, with a dash of crushed walnuts...

Eh, I'll go to Ginger for dinner.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original

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