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Kasbah Soussa

Casbah, Kasbah of Sousse, Casbah de Sousse
Tunis, Sousse
Visit: Free
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GPS: 35.8229, 10.6356

Kasbah Soussa

Casbah, Kasbah of Sousse, Casbah de Sousse
Tunis, Sousse
The fortress was built in 859 on the site of a Byzantine fortress that used to stand here. The 30-meter Fata Tower was named after its creator and is one of the oldest towers in North Africa. The tower offers good panoramic views. The Fata tower still serves as a lighthouse. Part of the fortress is today occupied by the municipal prison.

Archaeological Museum of Sousse
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Tunis, Sousse
Visit: Paid
distance: 0.1 km.
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Medina Soussa
Rating 8.7 - 3 reviews
Tunis, Sousse
Story, architecture
Visit: Free
distance: 0.3 km.
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Souk area
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Tunis, Sousse
Streets, squares, viewpoints
distance: 0.4 km.
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Minaret Zaouia Zakkak
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Tunis, Sousse
architecture, religion
distance: 0.5 km.
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Dar Essid Museum
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Tunis, Sousse
Museums, Story, architecture
distance: 0.5 km.
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