dukka lakes

Dukkinskie lakes
russia, Arhiz
Categories: Nature Arhiz
Visit: Free
Rating 9.0
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GPS: 43.5317, 41.0488

dukka lakes

Dukkinskie lakes
russia, Arhiz
The picturesque Dukka lakes are located in small valleys in the Arkhyz highlands, behind several passes, at an altitude of 2300–2500 m. They got their name from the Dukka River, the basin of which covers this region of the Caucasus. These alpine lakes are divided into small Dukka lakes and lakes of the Big Dukka valley. Seven colorful lakes belong to the Dukka Lakes - almost all of them are unnamed, but absolutely all of them are stunningly beautiful against the backdrop of snow-capped mountains. Numerous stones are scattered around the lakes, overgrown with green moss, rhododendron bushes are blooming. There are several routes to the Dukka lakes: a 2-3 day trip for experienced tourists, and a 5-6 hour hike to theRead completely ↓

All reviews (1)
Traveled 11 years ago
Rating 9
One of the greats said that a walk in the mountains is tantamount to visiting a church. I go to church quite rarely - I do not need intermediaries to communicate with Him. And I am drawn to the mountains with insane force. It is desirable, of course, that the sea was somewhere nearby. But there is no sea in Arkhyz. But there are lakes. But they still need to be reached. The way to the Dukka Lakes was not particularly difficult, but quite long. I ran along the bank of a winding river, overgrown with thickets of rhododendron, still blooming in places, through clearings of crocuses and bushes of raspberries and blueberries.
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