Palace in Pozharovo

Palace in the village of Pozharovo
Rating 7110

11 january 2020Travel time: 4 july 2019
In a small village, which you don’t seem to go to on purpose, there is a very pretty palace that looks like a castle. The building can be seen from the road and immediately attracts attention, because, despite its eclecticism, it makes a very harmonious impression. During the construction of the building, different architectural styles were successfully mixed - neo-Renaissance and classicism, which complement each other, and do not dissonate. On one side of the building there is a 5-storey tower (which gives the appearance of a castle). On the other hand, there is a gallery with a colonnade (which was popular during the construction of landowners' estates). From the garden side, the facade is decorated with a large terrace with a balustrade and openwork panels.

The building is located in a beautiful landscaped park with a pond inhabited by ducks and black and white swans. There were also peacocks, but when we arrived, the castle was being renovated, so there were no peacocks to be seen.
On the other hand, the black swan showed great attention to us, “talked” to us when we were sitting on a bench by the water and protested very much when we had to leave. And it was difficult to leave, because it was very beautiful and peaceful (despite the renovation of the building). There are many oaks and plane trees in the park itself, as well as a tulip tree. Adjacent to the palace are the beautifully renovated outbuildings of the estate, but since they are separated from the palace by a fence, it is very possible that they belong to a private individual who is engaged in farming. The castle itself is not yet ready to shine in all its glory, which it is capable of.

A bit of history. In the middle of the 18th century, the village of Pozharovo passed into the hands of the Kurnatovsky family and belonged to them until World War II. The palace was built in the 19th century. After the war, a social welfare center (nursing home) was located here. In 2013, the palace was sold to private hands.
According to the Vronok website, it was bought by the former Deputy Minister of Finance (now a tax consultant), an expert in the field of economics, the founder of a large law firm. And now the castle is being renovated to create a luxury hotel. The price for buying a hotel with a vast park was just over PLN 1 million, and after deducting a 50% discount on a historic building, it does not seem too high (the original valuation of the estate was over PLN 2 million). Such is the selyavi, everything is the same everywhere. : )) Meanwhile, the castle has not been repaired yet, and there is not much movement to be seen. But let's hope for the best - I would like the palace to be preserved and impress with its beauty.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original

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