royal road

Route № 1 for tourists in Krakow
Rating 9110

10 january 2018Travel time: 1 july 2017
The Royal Road begins in the northern part of the Old Town and runs south through the city center to the Wawel (old royal residence). This solemn route was a suitable background for demonstrations during the coronation and parades, for receptions of foreign kings and princes, foreign ambassadors and guests - travelers from distant lands. Road map stands have been installed in several places along the route.
From Matejko Square, the Royal Road goes through the Market Square to the Royal Castle (Wawel). The main tourist attractions on the Royal Road:
Matejko Square
City walls, Florian's Gate
Florian Street
Main Market Square
St. Mary's Church
St. Mary's Square
Cloth rows
Monument to Adam Mickiewicz
Church of St. Wojciech
Church of the Holy Trinity (Dominicans)
All Saints' Square
Velopolsky Palace (main residence of the city administration)
Church of the Franciscans
Church of Saints Peter and Paul
Church of St. Andrew
Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original

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