Cetinje Monastery

Peace and quiet reign in Cetinje...
Rating 8110

8 april 2015Travel time: 10 april 2009
The road in Cetinje is mountainous, with many dangerous turns, moving along it by bus is already a kind of attraction. But it is from the sharp turns of the mountain road that excellent landscapes open up. In some places it is very scary, because the bus is separated from the steep cliff down by a flimsy fence, and in some places there is none ...But when you get to the place, you will feel peace, silence and peace. Here, in the monastery, a particularly revered Christian relic is kept - the right hand of the Prophet and Baptist John (right hand), with which, according to legend, Jesus Christ was baptized. There is also a particle of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Monastery for men, with strict rules. Entrance only in a special white hoodie that will completely cover your clothes. They come in small groups, the monks open the shrine - a decorated tomb, in which the relics are located, after which everyone can venerate it.
The only downside is that photography is not allowed inside. Unless you ask a monk for a blessing to shoot...In Cetinje everything is somehow cozy, strict and quiet. Even the people are special. We were lucky to meet an old man who knew a little Russian. Imagine our surprise that this fit, clear-eyed old man was about 100 years old!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original

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