По красивой набережной Риги можно гулять часами. Особенно в последние 2 года, когда променад благоустроили и растянули на много километров, сделаны пандусы, проложены велодорожки, установлены фонари. А внизу, у воды, - чудесные места для пляжного отдыха. С видом на готические высокие шпили Старого города. Романтика да и только!
You can walk for hours along the beautiful waterfront of Riga. Especially in the last 2 years, when the promenade was landscaped and stretched for many kilometers, ramps were made, bike paths were laid, lights were installed. And below, by the water, there are wonderful places for a beach holiday. With a view of the Gothic high spiers of the Old Town. Romance and more!