Hill Palatine

Mons Palatinus, Palatium, Palatino
Italy, Rome
Rating 10.0
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GPS: 41.8878, 12.4897

Hill Palatine

Mons Palatinus, Palatium, Palatino
Italy, Rome
The tippet is the central of the seven main hills of Rome. The hill is named after the goddess Pales, the protector of livestock, for whom the shepherds made sacrifices here. According to legend, the ancient Rome originated on the Palatine. By the end of the republic, it was mostly the rich and aristocrats who lived here. Numerous archaeological finds have been found on the hill, including the House of Augustus, the House of Romulus, the Stadium of Domitian, the Aqueduct of Claudius, the church of San Teodoro and the titular Basilica of Sant'Anastasia.

All reviews (1)
Traveled 17 years ago
Rating 10
According to legend, it was on this hill that the Eternal City arose. Here, the remains of the foundations of several huts from the period of the ninth-eighth centuries BC, the ruins of the so-called house of Romulus, were found. Then the temple of Cybele was built on them. A visit is a must, preferably with a guide. There is a lot of information on Palatine, you can figure out for yourself what is where.
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