Внешне колокольня очень красивая, особенно в ансамбле с собором, и фотки с нее на купол, на мой взгляд, интереснее, чем наоборот. А по высоте, судя по фото, купол с колокольней примерно одинаковы. И если вам не жалко несколько евро ради двух-трех неплохих кадров, стоит подняться.
Outwardly, the bell tower is very beautiful, especially in an ensemble with a cathedral, and the pictures from it to the dome, in my opinion, are more interesting than vice versa. And in terms of height, judging by the photo, the dome and the bell tower are approximately the same. And if you do not feel sorry for a few euros for the sake of two or three good shots, it is worth going up.