Memorial Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem, Yadvashem, Yad Vashem, Holocaust Memorial
Israel, Jerusalem
Rating 10.0
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GPS: 31.7739, 35.1749

Memorial Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem, Yadvashem, Yad Vashem, Holocaust Memorial
Israel, Jerusalem
Yad Vashem is the national Holocaust and Heroism memorial. Located in Jerusalem on Har HaZikaron (Mountain of Remembrance). The memorial was founded in 1953 by decision of the Knesset in order to perpetuate the memory of the Jews - victims of Nazism in 1933-1945, destroyed Jewish communities; as well as pay tribute to the fighters against fascism and the righteous of the world who saved Jews at the risk of their own lives. The memorial is visited annually by more than a million people.

All reviews (3)
Traveled 6 years ago
Rating 10
It is not easy to be here, but it is impossible to fly to Israel and not visit this place. I would say it's unforgivable. We must not forget and not avoid such a catastrophe. Young people are encouraged to visit. The museum is unique. The complex is large and includes many buildings. In the museum you can watch a documentary video - there are special screens for this. There are audio guides in Russian. If you are with some bags, then they must be left in a special storage room, otherwise they will simply not let you through.
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Traveled 8 years ago
Rating 10
The name of the complex (Biblical Hebrew ?????????? ? y? d w? -? ? m - “memory and name”) comes from the words of the prophet Isaiah: “And I will give them in my house and within my walls the memory and a better name than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. » (Isaiah 56:5) This name of the Holocaust memorial is intended to convey the idea of ​ ​ creating a national treasury of the names of Jewish victims, which there is no one to wear after their death.
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Traveled 14 years ago
Rating 10
Our group was brought to the Yad Vashem memorial in the morning. There was a little rain, which is not very typical for the end of March. The entrance to the territory begins with passing through the check of bags, then we pass through the turnstile, safety is first of all. What can be said about this huge museum? It is impossible to leave without tears. Diaries and records of Holocaust survivors, their personal belongings, works of art are presented to visitors in the museum, and accompanying video materials convey all the pain and bitterness of this indescribable tragedy in the history of mankind.
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