Hungarian parliament building

And if the building of the English Parliament is the largest, then the Hungarian one is the most beautiful!
Rating 9110

9 may 2017Travel time: 25 september 2014
The British put it best about the Hungarian Parliament building: “If our Parliament building is the largest, then the Hungarian Parliament building is the most beautiful! ” Well, how can you argue? The architecture of the building impresses with its size and airiness at the same time. And how beautiful it looks from the side of the river, while walking on a boat! I advise you to buy tickets in advance on the Parliament website in order to go inside with a guided tour. Inside, everywhere, except for the domed hall, you can shoot, and tours are held in many languages, including Russian - 2 times a day. There are many elements inside that will catch your attention: these are painted arches, and various statues of rulers, a crown with a sideways cross, gilded ashtrays and even cigar holders with a personal number for each compartment.
The only negative could be noted that the tour ends too quickly and lasts some 30 minutes, however, the Parliament building will never lose its must-see status for guests of this beautiful city!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original

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