Basilica Saint-Sernin

Basilique Saint-Sernin
France, Toulouse
Rating 9.0
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Basilica Saint-Sernin

Basilique Saint-Sernin
France, Toulouse
Former abbey church of Saint Sernin or Saint Saturnin, of which only this building survives. Built in the Romanesque style between 1080 and 1120, with subsequent rebuildings. Architecturally it is a landmark building. It is the best preserved Romanesque building in Europe. A distinctive feature of the Basilica of Saint Saturnin is the quality and quantity of Romanesque sculpture. In 1998, the basilica was included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The current building of the basilica is located on the site of the previous basilica, the construction of which was begun at the end of the 4th century and kept the body of Saint Saturnin, or Sernin, the first bishop of Toulouse. Charlemagne (768-800) donated a large number of relics to her, as a result of which the basilica became an important stop for pilgrims on their way to Santiago de Compostela and a separate place of pilgrimage.

All reviews (1)
Traveled 1 year ago
Rating 9
The former abbey church of Saint-Sernin, this basilica is the only thing left of the monastery. Initially, the basilica was a sanctuary built to store the relics of the saint, the first bishop of Toulouse, who was martyred in 250. Much of the structure is Romanesque in architecture and dates back to the 11th and 12th centuries. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as part of the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela. The basilica is 115 meters long and is built mostly of brick. The most visible part of the basilica is the bell tower, which rises straight up the center.
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