Attractions Paris

87 attractions And 122 reviews

Best музеи Paris

Chantilly Castle
Rating 10.0
Museums, Story, architecture
small palace
Rating 9.0
Museums, architecture
Carnavalet Museum
Rating 9.0
Rodin Museum
Rating 9.0
Saint Germain Palace
Rating 9.0
Museums, architecture
Rating 8.8
Museums, Story, architecture
Palace of Champs-sur-Marne
Rating 8.0
Museums, architecture
Museum of Cognac-Je
Rating 8.0
Medieval Museum
Rating 8.0
Museums, architecture
Paris Fashion Museum
Rating 8.0
Museums, Story
Rating 7.3
Museums, Story, architecture
Musee d'Orsay
Rating 7.0
House-Museum of Balzac
Rating 6.0
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Medieval Museum
This museum is one of the rare ancient monuments in Paris. It contains 23 thousand works and objects from Roman Gaul to the 16th century, the richest collection of stained glass windows in France (more...
 •  1 year ago
small palace
It was solemnly opened in December 1902 under the name "Palace of Fine Arts of the City of Paris". The palace exhibits works of art from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century. These are paintings...
 •  2 years ago
House-Museum of Balzac
No one will visit this museum on their first visits to Paris, unless you are a fan of the writer and his works. But if you want a contrast with large museums saturated with tourists, then you can take...
 •  2 years ago
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