Parisian Arc de Triomphe

"The brainchild" of Napoleon with an excellent view of the city
Rating 8110

8 october 2024Travel time: 18 march 2024
The prototype for Napoleon's Arc de Triomphe was the Arch of Titus in Rome. Its vaults and columns have a similar design and shape. Paris' Arc de Triomphe is the largest in the world. The square where it stands has a unique location and resembles a star (as it was previously called) with 12 ray avenues approaching the center. The monument is decorated with historical bas-reliefs glorifying the greatness of the French emperor and his army. More than 500 names of military leaders are engraved on its walls, as well as the names of 128 battles. The triumphal arch is surrounded by 100 granite pedestals connected by cast iron chains. Their number was not chosen by chance: in honor of the 100 days of Napoleon’s reign after his return from Elba. Napoleon personally laid the first stone at the base of the arch, but did not live to see the end of its construction. His ashes, brought from St. Helena Island, were carried under the arches of the monument on December 15.1840.
Later, Victor Hugo, Marshals Lattre and Tassigny, Thiers and Gambetta, Lazare Carnot, Generals Joffre and Foch received a similar honor after their death. Every year on July 14, military parades are held at the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and memorial wreaths are laid. The procession is traditionally led by the President of the French Republic. It is always noisy and crowded here, as all tourists and others love to stroll along the Champs Elysees from Place Concorde to this arch.
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