Attractions Nimes

17 attractions And 17 reviews

Best архитектурные достопримечательности Nimes

Pont du Gard aqueduct
Rating 8.0
Story, architecture
square house
Rating 8.0
Museums, Story, architecture
Fontana Park
Rating 8.0
Nature, Story, Streets, squares, viewpoints, architecture
Fountain Crocodile
Rating 8.0
Streets, squares, viewpoints, architecture
Nimes amphitheater
Rating 7.0
Story, architecture
Arch of Augustus
Rating 7.0
Story, architecture
Palace of Justice
Rating 7.0
Story, architecture
Nimes Cathedral
Rating 7.0
Story, architecture, religion
Assa Square
Rating 7.0
Streets, squares, viewpoints, architecture
Fescher Avenue
Rating 7.0
Story, Streets, squares, viewpoints, architecture
Cathedral Square
Rating 7.0
Story, Streets, squares, viewpoints, architecture
Pradier Fountain
Rating 7.0
Streets, squares, viewpoints, architecture
Church of Saint Bodil
Rating 7.0
Story, architecture, religion
St. Paul's Church
Rating 7.0
Story, architecture, religion
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square house
One of the oldest buildings in the city is the "Square House" (Maison Carree), which was founded by order of Emperor Augustus. He dedicated the church to his grandchildren. Over the course of its long...
 •  9 years ago
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