На Place des Victoires установлен памятник всем погибшим в военных конфликтах уроженцам города. Автор проекта Sartorio Antoine. На постаменте, под надписью "Город Мантон благодарит своих детей, погибших за Францию", пофамильно перечислены погибшие в Первой и Второй мировых войнах, а также в военных действиях в Индокитае и Алжире.
On the Place des Victoires there is a monument to all the natives of the city who died in military conflicts. Author of the project Sartorio Antoine. On the pedestal, under the inscription "The city of Manton thanks its children who died for France", the names of those who died in the First and Second World Wars, as well as in military operations in Indochina and Algeria, are listed by name.