House of Navas

Walk along the Reus Art Nouveau Route
Rating 8110

14 may 2015Travel time: 24 march 2014
Mansion Casa Navas, architect Luis Domè nech i Montaner, built 1901-1907 Address: Plaza Mercadal, 5.

The building was commissioned by Joachim Navas, a wealthy textile merchant and owner of a spinning mill in Reus. This wealthy businessman commissioned a famous Barcelona architect to build a shop and living quarters for himself and his family on the corner of the Market Square. The initials of the owner of the building are imprinted on the corner column of the house.

The Casa Navas mansion can be visited with a guided tour. The cost is 10 euros. Photography inside is prohibited. The tour lasts about an hour and includes a tour of the premises on the second and third floors. Please note that excursions are carried out at a strictly agreed time by prior reservation of seats. Site http://www. reuspromocio. cat/es/casa-navas
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