Gothic Quarter

Barrio Gotico area of ​​Barcelona, ​​Gothic Quarter, El Gotic
Spain, Barcelona
Rating 10.0
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Gothic Quarter

Barrio Gotico area of ​​Barcelona, ​​Gothic Quarter, El Gotic
Spain, Barcelona
The Gothic Quarter is one of the oldest districts of Barcelona, ​​which belongs to the Old Town. Ornate streets and lanes, Gothic buildings of the 14th-15th centuries, everything here is saturated with the spirit of the mysterious Middle Ages. Now the Gothic Quarter is one of the busiest tourist centers in the city. Here, tourists can find a variety of shops, souvenir shops and cafes, and it is also here that you must visit the Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia.

All reviews (1)
Traveled 7 years ago
Rating 10
Inspection of the Gothic Quarter began with the main cathedral. Outside is impressive. Unfortunately, we didn't get inside. It seems that they came at the office hours, but the tourists were sent to the “backyard”, due to the fact that there was a service (it was on Sunday). Very sorry. But the "backyard" did not let us down - a huge amount of greenery within the religious building is really unusual and very nice. Especially the famous geese. Then we wandered through the narrow streets of the Gothic Quarter.
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