"Wandered" across Europe

We decided to travel with my husband. We are from Simferopol, we used the services of Kiyaviakrym. At first they wanted to go just to the Czech Republic, Prague - for me it seemed something so mystical . . , and then, when they started choosing a tour, they took the most saturated one out of greed. As a result, we visited several cities in the Czech Republic - Olomouc, Prague, Czech Krumlov. In Germany, Dresden. In Austria, Vienna. In Poland, Krakow and a couple of transit cities (Przemysl and some other . . I forgot the name) and the Ukrainian western Lviv, I have never been there before. Lvov, in general, outwardly practically Europe (if it were not for our native ownerlessness and shabby, I thought there would be a problem with the language - after all, we are Russian-speaking, we had to ask again, but the local people switched to Russian without problems and with understanding : ))). A lot of words about Lviv, because I did not expect to see it like this - old buildings, one after one architectural monuments, an unusual city.
The strongest impression, as I expected, was made, of course, by Prague. Church of St. Vita is something, it just takes your breath away when you look at him. But, unfortunately, the whole temple around is built up with various buildings, and overgrown with trees, that it is impossible to photograph it all, only in small episodes. We were in Prague for 4 days, lived in a chic (according to my modest requirements) hotel "Belvedere", it's practically in the center. Late in the evening, after the excursions, when the flow of tourists stopped, we went to the temple and walked there - the sensations are indescribable, the rain flowing down the muzzles of the "demons" and our Crimean cognac.
I would also like to mention the Black Theater "WOW". I have never seen such a thing. Theater of light and shadow. When in a certain light only individual elements specially designed for this are visible. Of course, I saw a semblance of this - like when hands in white gloves are doing something, and people in black are not visible, but it’s like that . . It’s raining on the stage according to the script - it also starts to rain in the hall and people are wet, but everyone is happy from this, even a disgruntled old woman was sitting next to me and she cheered up, then it started to snow, in the hall too : )) Then there was a dance of spiders in the red light on the stage, everything was done so that people were imbued with fear and disgust for spiders, they achieved, and the spiders climbed into the ranks of the people . . I was sitting in the front row and I started to have a nervous tantrum (jokingly of course) : ))) In general, the actors gave all their best, it was not "get away". You just need to see it once, it is impossible to retell.
The most beautiful town of Cesky Krumlov is old, with a bunch of legends and fairy tales. We went to a small basement-type restaurant "Gotika" for a tasting of Czech wines. Czech wines, to put it mildly, are not very good. Compared with what we tried at the tasting in the cellars of Hungary, and in general with our local Crimean wines. Only paid 20 euros for this sour stuff. There are no good wines in the Czech Republic, this is a scam for tourists. In general, the Czech Republic is a country with its own character (as I concluded for myself), I would very much like to get to know it better, somehow I will definitely go there again.
When we were driving through Germany and Austria, civilization was already felt from the moment we entered the country. I don’t know what they do with their grass there, but we drive through fields and meadows and it seems that lawn grass is planted everywhere. No weeds, no ugly grass. Everywhere neatly trimmed lawns. It's along the highway, not in the city. In Austria, I saw the Alps from afar, they all drink clean water from Alpine springs there. Vienna is a city of extraordinary beauty - huge, expensive, chic. Dresden - small but pretty, was in the Dresden Art Gallery - Raphael's Sistine Madonna, Sleeping Venus and many, many other things.
Polish Krakow was remembered, of course, as a trumpeter.