Wonderful island of Boracay

Written: 28 october 2010
Travel time: 5 — 18 october 2010
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For business travel; For families with children; For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 9.0
Service: 10.0
Cleanliness: 9.0
Food: 10.0
Amenities: 9.0
The hotel is just amazing!!!! ! When we flew from Irkutsk to Bangkok and from Bangkok to Manila, there were clouds in the sky all the way, covering the whole sky. Having read before the trip that it was still the rainy season, I was not very surprised, although I was a little upset, I would like to bask in the sun, but before reaching the Caticlan, it was as if someone had put up a barrier in the sky and there was almost a clear sky, the hotel representative met us already at the airport, and we went to the hotel without delay.
The hotel was initially struck by the fact that you need to leave $ 1.000 on a deposit, but then they realized how convenient it is - you don’t need to carry cash with you, and the tip disappears in connection with this, you just put your room number and that’s it.
Sea. It must be said separately, outrageously clean, transparent, warm, beautiful, etc. , five meters from the shore you can already see fish, all sorts, I personally saw a small barracuda and clown fish and many many others, but I don’t know their names, the beauty is indescribable, they took a kayak several times and sailed away to the right of the hotel, there’s a wonderful secluded lagoon about 15 minutes away and we rested there like savages, since we lingered for a long time and in the evening a wave came, so a boy sailed to us with of our hotel and asked if everything was in order, brought us cold water and dry towels, and we were about to sail away, so he accompanied us all the way so that nothing happened to us, again nice. The wife, walking somehow close by the rocks, cut her leg, so there all the staff who were on the beach washed her leg, and they took her to the infirmary by car, then every day they were interested in how her leg was.

The staff is friendly to such an extent that even sometimes it becomes uncomfortable.
There are French cream, soap and shower gel in the room, fruit every evening, wishes for sleep, I timed the rest for my birthday, but at the hotel I didn’t tell anyone about it, when I came to the room in the evening I found a cake from the chef and a written congratulation , it was very nice.
Well, in the end, I would like to say that if you have the opportunity to fly to Boracay, then settle only in Shangri-la - you will not regret it !! !
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