They arrived this morning. It is indicated in the description the first line. But no : -) this is the second surrounded by construction sites. From 7 00 construction is in full swing. The ocean is not visible : -) balconies and windows overlook the concrete wall of a neighboring building. At arm's length. We change the number for the third time.
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They arrived this morning. It is indicated in the description the first line. But no : -) this is the second surrounded by construction sites. From 7 00 construction is in full swing. The ocean is not visible : -) balconies and windows overlook the concrete wall of a neighboring building. At arm's length. We change the number for the third time. Dirty bed : -) full of bottles trash : -) bugs bite. Like mosquitoes. Now about breakfasts. You come to the canteen : -) and especially for you they take out a plate with three pieces of bread : -) an egg : -) and a sausage. oh and even butter : -) coffee and tea : -) of course bags. We arrived today. I already want to go home. Who decided to go to this reclaimed island : -) people remember and don't spoil your vacation. True, there is a variant the guide offers for 85e. e. per person per day : -) use the territory of another hotel : -) and spend the night in this one : -) well, it's just very interesting : -) : -) : -) : -)
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