
04 December 2013 Travel time: with 03 august 2013 on 17 august 2013
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You have to write reviews. And even good things are forgotten over time.

They flew from Tyumen (Roshchino) on 08/03/2013 to Podgorica, from there to Rafalovichi, where they stayed until 08/17/2013. Flight without delay. Thanks everyone. From the airport they quickly threw us into the bus and rushed off, carefully “rushed” along the mountain roads. They tightened the nets thrown over the mountains, respectfully, somehow I looked at the road sign “Caution - a collapse is possible” and the frequent inscriptions of the tow truck phone right on the rocky wall.

They met us upstairs on the street, they threw the suitcases and the “small ones” into the car, they themselves went on foot for 5 minutes, stretched their legs again (the plane is economical, but we have legs (this I brag about), but I still have legs and belly (and here I mourn)). This time we went without our daughter, together. Reconnaissance - in combat. Meals were taken only breakfast - here we are: well done. Accommodation on the second floor, room No. 205, side view of the sea, and, unfortunately, a frontal view of the barrier that blocks the passage of private cars to the embankment with all the ensuing consequences. The above fact did not bother us at all. We were so tired that we slept and did not hear anything. Breakfast. Tasty. Pancakes from zucchini - at home. Pizza was a couple of times, but everything is standard with eggs (boiled and fried), boiled sausage of two varieties, diluted juice, tea, coffee. Not everything is going well with coffee. Even in the store, I did not find a good coffee for the Turks. I drank the most delicious coffee in Montenegro... from a vending machine in Ostrog. The two sons of the owner helped him, I remembered the eldest - we talked with him more often - God's Gift is his name. I liked the way Mom called him, in a simple way, in his own way, just God. Stanislav - a guide from the host side was very often at the Reception, sometimes replacing the hosts, and helped to solve some everyday problems. What is Rafalovichi. Rafailovici, (similar to Becici, Petrovac) is such a surname (as Matroskin would say). A family settlement where everyone is close or distant relatives to each other. Gathered, decided who will trade what, hold, rent. I often saw old people talking to young people or sitting at separate tables and everyone greeted them. It was as if we were visiting distant relatives. In stores, for each type of product - a separate package - they are afraid of inspections. At the end of the package, they accumulated that they threw it away (I don’t like to throw out polyethylene, it’s not environmentally friendly, in my opinion). The fruits are all local, but the packaged ones are mostly Serbian. The truth is, everything is delicious. Kefir - and the same as in our market. We ate and tried in different places, but there were also our favorites, somehow: in the leftmost cafe with my back from Monaco - with a hard-to-pronounce name, so I didn’t remember. Something around 25 euros for Pleskavitsa (such a rather big cutlet with a side dish of french fries), spaghetti Bolognese, Shopska salad, 3 beers. I also liked pizza from the oven with mozzarella and tomatoes on Kamenevo beach. A couple of times we were in "Three Fishermen" (but this is already a restaurant, like, judging by the prices and show-offs of the waiters, especially the second and, as a result, the last time), once we were in "Porat" (after that we had a series of photos titled: "After Porat with a camera" (not quite sober people could not fix the camera for night shooting). The most expensive was Porat (86 euros, for two salads, a bottle of wine and a kilo and a half of Dorado Red). I like this Red Dorado (such a fish), as well as river trout, were not impressed, but Seabass (also a fish), which is in Three Fishermen - yes, it's cute. What else was distinctive was the sauce and bread. The sauce consisted of olive oil with greens and finely chopped garlic, and so in the Three Fishermen they gave not just bread, but toast, I also classified this as: nice, nice.

Took a few official tours. There were: 1. A sightseeing trip along the mountain serpentines, to Tsetenje, a monastery, tasting prosciutto (raw meat), cheese and a drink of your choice, then to old Kotor, from there - home. 2. Overview of Podgorica, Monasteries: DaiBaba and Ostrog. 3. Boat trips along the Bay of Kotor. I can tell you more about excursions upon request.

Tusnyak is all going on in Budva, which is 7-10 km from Rafalovichi. You can get there for 8-10 euros by taxi (8 - if to the Central Shopping Center + bazaar) or 10 euros by sea on a motorboat after a preliminary agreement with BozhimDar and completely free of charge on the seashore, then up, through the tunnel, then again along the coast seas. - everywhere there is a footpath (1-1.5 hours, it's better to go in the morning after breakfast - it's hot, but interesting), you can return by bus for 1.5 euros (they go every half hour until 12 at night). What to do in Budva. There is an old city in Budva (as in the city of Kotor, maybe there is somewhere else, but we were not there). The old city is a fortress in the past, now it is a cafe on the street, boutiques on the first floor, hotels on the second, the Old Fortress Museum on the third and above. Narrow streets, shorn pavement, overhanging plants and flowers - all this cannot but touch. And the summer cafe, which is located between the old town and the pier with coffee and just cold water with ice, allows you to freeze and envy people who, with some mocking slowness, go down and up the ladders of their “parked” yachts. And in Old Kotor, the city administration is also located, among other things. Very hot in old Kotor. The heat flows down from the mountains directly into the narrow streets of the city, the sun heats up the stones, which do not cool down even by morning.

On this vacation, I learned not to rush anywhere, to enjoy a simple rest in a cafe with some water, wine, beer and listen to wonderful musicians playing and singing the eternal classics of Italians, Spaniards, Greeks, as it was in the Bella Vista cafe (or Villa - no longer I remember) in Rafailovichi. Vodovka-moonshine - I tried it once - not mine. If it is still tolerable from a plum (an almond-shaped aftertaste from a stone), then from grapes - not - very fuselage. Here homemade wine is power. 7 euros for 0.7. Only the Serbian rose was tastier, and that, probably, because with a loved one, but with good music, and during the break, the grapes rustle upstairs, and the sea on the side. And there is no need to rush anywhere. The whole buzz of relaxation is that you don’t need to rush anywhere.

I can't tell you about romance. August 14 is a certain date when a fisherwoman caught me in a net. And now every year on this date I have a duty to prepare a surprise. Here Stanislava and God's Gift helped me a lot. Stanislava brought me, on order, a bouquet of white roses from Budva, and we agreed with BojimDar that he would take us to a desert island or beach. We took a bottle of homemade wine, in front of the hotel in a store - we took fruits and water, put it all in a portable refrigerator, took mats, an umbrella, iron fasteners for “sticking” an umbrella into the rocks, towels, ourselves and drove off. We drove to the left, past the beach of Kamenevo, past the island of Sveti Stefan (nothing interesting from the sea - the rocks are like rocks), the island of St. sheer cliff. It was very surprising to see a pier, umbrella mounts, a hut for food, a shed and a toilet (inside an Italian toilet bowl) made of natural material, fastened with cement and a shower (worked) attached to a sheer rock. This place - apparently created by a "group of comrades" to bring tourists to a picnic before lunch, because after lunch - even the watchman did not stay here (you could reach the left spinning with your hand, but did not take it). The entrance to the sea is stones, but you can crawl out. "Uninhabited" ended 10 minutes after our accommodation with the arrival of a non-Russian comrade on a jet ski. My wife and I were at sea when she drew my attention to the fact that my comrade was naked. The comrade, seeing that we were not going to undress further than our bathing suits, got dressed and left. A holy place is never empty, on a rubber motorboat, on the other hand, quietly and unexpectedly, like a German attack at 41, a couple of elderly people arrived. And they are there. The man was still somewhat shy, but the woman was not. A half-empty bottle of homemade wine cheered us up a bit. And then the yacht, which then swam, then sailed away, but seeing such a boil going on on this beach, finally decided to stick. A group of not entirely sober Russian-speaking comrades swam to the “occupation” of our beach (we were the first to come here, here). Yes, it is clear that this land is not ours, but the resentment for the torn romantic remained. After swimming, the yachtsmen went further on the yacht. Five minutes had not passed before a large covered motorboat arrived with a group of young people, beer and the absence of complexes in terms of topless sunbathing, which could not but please me, especially since the bottle of wine was nicely drunk, and what else does a man need. Here the girls began to twist unlit cups on ropes around them, which also diversified the landscape somewhat. At eight o'clock in the evening God's Gift came for us and we returned home at sunset. What can I say. Surprise - successful. I remember the day.

I'm sorry that I forgot to thank the senior Rafailovich with money for bringing our bags on the day of departure to the bus stop at the airport. Once we had dinner, where we lived. Can't say I didn't like it.

Only good impressions remained from Montenegro. We met by chance with fellow countrymen from Nizhnevartovsk, they had been here for a month already, with Muscovites Larisa and Andrey, with Samarans who were ahead of me by booking a room on the fourth floor. Hi everyone if you are reading.

Once again there hunting.

Warning: in July - nature ceases to cope with the influx of people and the rotovirus begins.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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