Ancient Venice

29 June 2009 Travel time: with 15 May 2008 on 01 June 2008
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In May 2008, my business took me to Treviso - a wonderful Italian town of 25 thousand inhabitants, which nevertheless houses the headquarters of such well-known companies as Benetton and DeLongi. Naturally, I simply could not deny myself the pleasure of visiting Venice, located just 15 minutes away.

The word Venice for many of us evokes associations with the romantic Middle Ages, carnivals, a mysterious city on the water, where instead of streets there are canals, and instead of carriages there are gondolas. Having been in Venice, I saw it much wider. Fortunately, my guide was one of my business partners, who was born and lived in these places all his life.

It turns out Venice is also the Communist Party of Italy, and crumbling buildings, dilapidated from dampness, and a large European center of painting, sculpture, architecture and music, and a caste of gondoliers with their limited licenses that are inherited, and much, much, much more. , which often misses the lens or on the pages of magazines.

In the presented selection of photographs, I tried to show, so to speak, invisible Venice, that part of it that remains hidden from the eyes of tourists. Well, a few famous places, of course, too.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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