I’ll make a reservation right away - my enthusiasm for Venice and the Cavalletto hotel taken separately is a completely separate issue, because there are many of them and they are as positive as possible.
The hotel is incomparable and absolutely gorgeous! I was especially impressed by the "parking" of the gondolas under the windows - it's such a color and a 100% uplift in the morning, which can not even be described in words : )))
Here I want to briefly warn everyone who is going to visit this sparkling city of the sun.
If you go around the magnificent CAVALLETTO hotel, on the left side, past the Hard Rock Cafe, and moving almost always straight, without turning anywhere, you will see the Al COLOMBO restaurant.
Now attention! ! !
For in this restaurant the tourist scam is very well placed: )))
What is its feature?
Everything is very simple - you are tired, or out of the way, or just were there, seen enough, and it's already past midnight, etc.
And then - oh, a miracle - a working restaurant after 12 at night, and right up to 5 in the morning ! ! !
You are served a menu, and a mega-tactful manager (I identified in it a representative from Sri Lanka of ebony skin color) in an unctuous voice begins to describe the delights of the freshest fish, which can be prepared according to a special recipe not indicated on the menu. So to say EXCLUSIVE : )
Bang bang - and you're on the hook.
Courteous! Gallantly! Elegantly! And as tactfully as possible, you have already, in fact, been divorced : ))
We must pay tribute - the fish cooked in salt is insanely tasty and just as insanely expensive : )
Well, unless the "treason" signal will work for you, if you have studied the menu and DID NOT FIND frightening prices there. Everything is within the general normal prices - 15-25 Euro per dish.
But do not be surprised when they bring you a bill and it is for 800 Euros.
I did not seal it up - exactly EIGHT HUNDRED EUROS : )))
To a slightly surprised question - why the hell is this price?!? ! ? ! The manager answers in a no less unctuous voice - it's exclusive : ))))
So, dear Russo tourists (and not only Russo) - bi kereful!
Be on the alert, and watch out - in a word! : )))