And again in Rimini.

Written: 27 february 2012
Travel time: 1 — 7 february 2012
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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My family really enjoyed vacationing in Italy the summer before last, so they didn’t even want to hear about other countries and resorts. But this time we decided to just change the hotel for a change. And we settled on “Villa Rosa Riviera”. First class hotel with large rooms and excellent restaurant. But most of all, my wife was pleased with the chic large beds and the spa-center at the hotel. Daughter was entertained with excursions. We again used the services of the company "Victor" and booked an excursion by phone 3283731027. I would like to note the pleasant value for money of the services they provide, comfortable transport and a wide selection of excursions, and it is possible without a guide. We visited Pisa, Venice and San Marino. To say that I liked it is to say nothing! Such beauty - modern transport is combined with ancient cultural monuments, greenery around and the wind brings coolness from the sea. My girls were thrilled and so was I.
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