The truth about Brown!

Written: 20 september 2007
Travel time: 20 — 27 september 2007
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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Terrible hotel! Old and shabby! Mostly elderly Germans and disabled people rest, and some Russians also get into this hotel, to whom our wonderful travel agencies impose it! In the evenings in the Atrium there are discos for those over 80... Scanty numbers! In order to open the bacon, you have to move the bed, and the toilet is located at the head of the bed. Food is a separate topic: instant potatoes, a buffet - leftovers from previous days, meat (yes, you can’t even call it meat... ) I don’t know where the restaurants that they write about on travel agency websites, I didn’t find it. There are only two dining rooms, one in Brown, the other in the Atrium. In Brown they don’t clean at all, during the week of my presence they didn’t even clean the crumbs from the tables!
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