Granduca Leopoldo Hotel 3*– Reviews

Rating 0.010
based on
6.0 Rooms
7.0 Service
6.0 Cleanliness
8.0 Food
The comfortable 3-star Granduca Leopoldo Hotel is the ideal base from which to explore Montecatini Terme. From here, guests can take full advantage of the location and proximity to everything the vibrant city has to offer. Thanks to its convenient location, the hotel offers easy access to the city's most popular tourist spots such as Hidron Pistoia and San Domenico.More →
аватар feld-marina
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 7.0
On a "Classic Italy" tour, a group of tourists stayed at this hotel for one night. The sweet worker of the restaurant Victoria at the Hotel Granduca Leopoldo in Montecatini Terme created a comfortable environment for tourists in the restaurant, clearly explained everything at dinner, helped everyone find their seats, and in the end everyone dined calmly, and it was not arranged by the tourists " battles" for salads. … More ▾ On a "Classic Italy" tour, a group of tourists stayed at this hotel for one night. The sweet worker of the restaurant Victoria at the Hotel Granduca Leopoldo in Montecatini Terme created a comfortable environment for tourists in the restaurant, clearly explained everything at dinner, helped everyone find their seats, and in the end everyone dined calmly, and it was not arranged by the tourists " battles" for salads.
The resort town itself is quiet, left a good impression.

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Комфортабельный 3-звездочный отель Granduca Leopoldo Hotel является идеальным местом для знакомства с Монтекатини Терме. Отсюда, гости могут всецело ощутить преимущество удачного расположения и близости ко всему, что может предложить оживленный город своим туристам. Благодаря удобному расположению, отель предлагает легкий доступ к наиболее популярным туристическим местам в городе, таким как Hidron Pistoia и San Domenico.

In a hotel
  • restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
  • conference hall/banquet hall
  • parking
  • elevator
Entertainment and sports
  • sauna/bath/hammam
The address Via Venezia, 11 Montecatini Terme (PT)
Phones: +39 0527 767621
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги сауны / бани / хаммам. .