Villa Del Sogno 5*– Reviews

Rating 1.010
based on
1 reviews
1.0 Rooms
1.0 Cleanliness
1.0 Food
1.0 Amenities
Set in a picturesque location near Lake Garda, the Hotel Villa del Sogno is a romantic fin de siècle neoclassical building surrounded by a large park with tall old trees and flowering gardens, lemon, olive and cypress trees. Built in 1904 by the Venetian silk merchant Maximilian Heidweller, today this building is an exclusive and welcoming hotel with individually decorated rooms and suites. Antique furniture, expensive carpets, paintings by Central European artists - the spirit of Austria at the turn of the 19th century...More →
аватар Semen_private
 •  traveled 8 years ago
Rating 1.0
Terrible restaurant business. And the hotel is not far behind. The presence of bedbugs in the rooms and poor cleaning. Sour milk for breakfast. Staff who can raise their voice at you if they don't like your request. The hotel is more locally oriented. Visiting tourists - additional income. The first evening, booked a table for dinner. … More ▾ Terrible restaurant business. And the hotel is not far behind. The presence of bedbugs in the rooms and poor cleaning. Sour milk for breakfast. Staff who can raise their voice at you if they don't like your request. The hotel is more locally oriented. Visiting tourists - additional income. The first evening, booked a table for dinner. They came first, they give us the most unfortunate, near the kitchen. Like, the rest are reserved. I took into account the mistakes, in the morning the first thing is to reserve dinner and a specific table. They tell me that you can't reserve a table. I say, what about yesterday? And they answer me, it's just that some people are used to their tables - they are the first! ? In general, well, if you don’t like tourists, don’t invite them. Write only for locals.

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Расположенный в живописном месте около озера Гарда, отель Villa del Sogno представляет собой романтическое здание в стиле неоклассицизма конца века, окруженное большим парком с высокими вековыми деревьями и цветущими садами, лимонными и оливковыми деревьями, кипарисами. Построенное в 1904 году венецианским торговцем шелка Максимилианом Хейдвеллером, сегодня это здание является эксклюзивным и гостеприимным отелем с индивидуально декорированными номерами и сьютами. Антикварная мебель, дорогие ковры, картины художников Центральной Европы — дух Австрии на рубеже XIX века...

In a hotel

Отель имеет 28 номеров. Бар, ресторан, терраса-бар, зал для конгрессов, открытый бассейн с зонтиками и шезлонгами, турецкая баня, гидромассаж, солярий, сад, парковка.