India is India

Written: 5 march 2011
Travel time: 22 february — 2 march 2011
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For recreation with friends, for young people
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 5.0
Service: 7.0
Cleanliness: 5.0
Food: 3.0
Amenities: 6.0
About the hotel:
The hotel is really 2 * as it is written, more precisely 1.5 *
The hotel is 3 floors, but everyone at the reception considers Groung floor, 1-st and 2-nd floors. All rooms are the same, even on the ground floor, though on the top floor. Don't believe what they say that the rooms on the top floor are the best. The same.
Hot water is available, but it is not clear when. The rooms are worn out, bedding and towels are rarely changed. Well, what else to expect from 2 *.
Go to the beach or through the yards (faster), but you will see how the gypsies live. I was in shock the first day. Or bypass on the asphalt, a little longer, but not on the sand. I say right away that Goa is a very colorful place. Here the hotel is good, and 10 meters from it, an oilcloth is stretched on 2 sticks and 5 people live there, in complete disinfection.


Meals include breakfast only. Breakfast is scrambled eggs, boiled vegetables (asparagus, potatoes and carrots), fruit salad (bananas, papayas, pineapples) tea, coffee, buns, toast, butter and jam (butter and jam are sooo delicious).
In total, the food is very spicy, the meat is fatty, so ask for "spicy notes". Do not drink local water and fresh juices and do not add ice to drinks, at least in the first 2-3 days, the boost is guaranteed. Then you can. Careful with seafood, otherwise we overate and it was bad.
P. S. Sea food festivals are held in Anjuna, for 300 rupees ($6.66) entrance, where a buffet with unlimited access to seafood: crabs, shrimp, fish, squid, shark, etc. , etc. Ask anyone, they will tell you .

Staff: Of the staff, only 2 people are normal. Thomas, who works at the reception at night, and Omar, young and cheerful. They will always help, prompt and tell. Thomas is strange at first glance, but do not offend him, he is good. Briefly about him: he suffers from schizophrenia, movement coordination is disturbed and cannot sleep. For all this, he takes pills. He has a lot of money, but he says if he doesn’t work, he will swell and start smoking.

Everything is very colorful. The poor and the rich.
Everything should be bargained for, for some things I knocked down the price by 5 times. Left-hand traffic, a bunch of scooters that constantly honk. You will see that they are selling something in liter plastic bottles, at first I did not understand what it was, it turned out to be gasoline. If you have driving experience, rent a scooter or bike, and then you will see what real Goa is. In the evening I recommend smearing with mosquito repellents, they can bite. I wasn't bitten hard, someone very hard.


The beach is sandy, the ocean is constantly stormy, but not much. During the day it is very hot, the sun is very bright, so smear creams so as not to burn. In the evening after sunset, the rescuers kick everyone out of the ocean. The sunset is just beautiful. I have never seen such a sunset anywhere. They will walk along the beach and offer all sorts of beads, draw a tattoo with henna, pineapples, coconuts, etc. Once you order and the crowd will immediately hang over you, do not let go. On the beaches you can see cows, this is normal.
They have this sacred animal. By the way, there are a lot of dogs, they don’t attack people at all, they are very friendly. On the beach they offer grass, drugs, etc. , be careful. For some reason, Indians who come there to relax like to take pictures with white people, so they can come up and ask you to take a picture with you. By the way, everyone speaks English. Simple English is enough to explain.

Conclusion: the rest is unusual, this is not Turkey and Egypt. Everything is different here, very colorful. A beautiful trash can.
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