Medium sized area. Spartan numbers. Big for a 2* pool. The area is quite dirty. The hotel itself is in the middle of nowhere. To the sea 1 km.
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Medium sized area. Spartan numbers. Big for a 2* pool. The area is quite dirty. The hotel itself is in the middle of nowhere. To the sea 1 km.

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There is not a single line in my review about how many minutes we waited for check-in, how inhibited Indian people are, and "garbage lope on the beach. " Ticket prices. We took vouchers very cheaply, something around 13.000 rubles. apiece, but the added bonus was forced dinners (on Christmas and New Year), each for 2.
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There is not a single line in my review about how many minutes we waited for check-in, how inhibited Indian people are, and "garbage lope on the beach. "
Ticket prices. We took vouchers very cheaply, something around 13.000 rubles. apiece, but the added bonus was forced dinners (on Christmas and New Year), each for 2.000 rubles, and, of course, visas. Tourists! Who will go to celebrate the New Year in India, take champagne with you! There is no champagne in India, and what they call champagne in the supermarket is called chatter in Russia. We poured everything, no one even managed to drink a glass.
We were in India for the first time and the three of us had a rest: me, my husband, and my 20-year-old son. We almost did not go on excursions, we did not live on Ashvem, so the assessment of the hotel is reliable. Before going on vacation, I warned the family: “Imagine that you are not going to a very good pioneer camp... ” (my idea was formed from the reviews and subsequently came true). We flew from Perm at the end of December 2012. It was minus 30 outside. Perm students pulled up to the flight, there were a lot of young people (a couple of guys were in shorts at once and a few girls were in miniskirts and stilettos). Some of them were "from a hangover", recalling yesterday's booze, nearby girlfriends dreamed (out loud) upon arrival in India to buy herbs and something else... The mood improved...
India! Somi resort. . . The hotel is built like a residential building with entrances, floors, apartments. Since there were three of us, we got a two-room furnished suite with a kitchen, a bathroom-shower and a balcony on the top floor. For all the time (11 nights) we never handed over the key for cleaning the room, we didn’t want to: I cleaned something myself, we put the garbage in the bag in the corridor near the room, the cleaner took it away. The linen in the room is not white and has never been white. sewn from unbleached linen (this is the color of natural cotton and linen).
The son slept in one room, my husband and I - in another. My son got a wide and soft folding bed, we got an "oak" bed (who has a curvature of the spine - abroad will help you). Back hurt. It was hot. There was no air conditioning. The fan did not help if the window was closed. But if we opened the window - mosquitoes flew. The fumigator (blue, locally produced) helped us, but did not completely remove the problem. In addition, if the window was open, then the sounds from the street (loud beeps from the Main Road - it runs from the end of the hotel) and from the bar / pool (drunken screams of foreigners) prevented sleep. But since every day we struggled with the waves (super! ), walked a lot around the neighborhood, photographed "interesting things" (not the Taj Mahal, of course), we just passed out at night. In addition, we only had one window overlooking the pool / bar. Three others went to the construction site, where the labor of some guest workers was actively used. These guest workers were under our vigilant supervision. The guest workers were quiet. At night they slept somewhere in the same place, at a construction site. During the day they worked, doing everything by hand, so there was not much noise. Leaving for the beach and returning from it, we always went to the balcony to smoke and check what the builders were doing today. In the mornings, down there, they brushed their teeth with some red sticks, without toothpaste. They carried weights on their heads (even bricks), and so on, everything, not like ours.
There are no breakfasts at the hotel: toast, the same jam (strictly two types), butter, sugar, a kind of coffee, some kind of tea. Eggs were not always offered. But after breakfast, go straight to the beach! And there immediately fresh and the sound of the surf!
There were few Russians in the hotel, but they were, including young ones, on constant independent journeys. There were also Ukrainians, Germans, Spaniards, Americans. This is one of the recognized ones. People of different years, 30-40-50. There were also pensioners. Some foreigners were with children and teenagers, they played in the ball pool, they had lunch right there near the pool or in neighboring cafes across the road.
To understand what is located around the Somi Resort hotel, we walked along the side of the Main Road (it runs parallel to the sea coast line, this is the main traffic artery along which transport rushes). Go along the Main Road to the right from the end of the hotel - find Baga, go to the left - find Calangute, if you go straight from the end of the hotel - go out to the sea (only the path to the sea will be winding). From the Main Road to the sea you can get by different streets (some of them are beautiful, there are clean small hotels, some are miserable). From the beach we also tried to return to the Main Road by different streets: at first we walked along the edge of the sea to the left or right, when we saw a full path, we went up to the Main Road. On the way, we ate in some cafe we liked, bought something in shops (Indian bread, fruits). Walking in this way, you will understand where everything is located, where exchangers are cheaper, where are some cafes (in some there are more Indians, in others there are more Europeans), where are markets, etc. Of course, you don’t have to return to the seedy streets again. And you have to walk during the day. In the evening it is fraught with something to come, the benefit of the cow is nearby. In the evenings, you have to sit in the nearest cafe in an international team and eat what you like. You can also have dinner at the hotel, but the menu is only in English, there are no people, so it's boring. A little more expensive than the cafe across the street. The people are pulled up to the hotel bar by the pool only after thoroughly "picking up" in street cafes, closer to the night.
Seafood prices in all cafes are too high for tourists, we often took pork and chicken dishes, mashed soups. King prawns are just called that, they lose to northern sweet small prawns in taste. But this can be understood without leaving home by buying them at the nearest supermarket. Juices, fresh juices - yes, it should be consumed every day.
Sea. The sea is incomparable. If you know how to swim, you can ride the waves, just be careful when entering and careful when leaving the sea, the waves are strong, they can knock you down, but they won’t drown you - they will immediately take you to the shore along with muddy water and sand. If you don’t know how to swim, you can sit at the surf line, waves will wash over you (this is what retired foreigners did), but the wave will again be filled with sand near the shore. We always sat in the same neck (directly to the sea from the end of the hotel), I don't remember what it's called. But there were two Indian girls serving there. One was always in jeans, the second (tall and thin) in beautiful saris came, at the same time, during breaks, she gave women massages, manicures, and pedicures. And here, in this neck, there were only Europeans and Americans of different ages, some of them were pensioners. We were the only Russians. It was very calm. Our beach was clean (the girls cleaned up). The merchants didn't approach us at all. Two policemen were sitting next to the sheik under a canopy (maybe because it was Christmas and the influx of the rural population on Bagi beach (far to the right from us), maybe these policemen just wanted to sit here: among us was a German woman of about 50, who is constantly topless sunbathing, finally, maybe they were paid extra? ). By the way, we watched the Americans, apparently from the poor, or they followed the figure: they started the morning with mineral water, they also ate very modestly. Their granddaughter also took only mineral water and nan for 20 rupees (ind. bread) for lunch. That is, saving is not shameful. And in general, by the end of the holiday, it began to seem to us that we were the most voracious of foreigners in this neck, especially when on the way to the beach one morning we were met by some Englishman something like this: Oh! Rush! Good money!
Well, how else? We spend several hours a day on the beach, it’s hot, there’s nothing to do but swim, sunbathe, drink cola (30-45 rupees), try fruit juices, fresh juices (70-80 rupees), salads, all kinds of pasties, interesting sandwiches, local kitchen. Fruit cost us somehow an order of magnitude more expensive than in Thailand.
Prices. When we went on a fishing excursion in the Indian Ocean, one Russian woman from another hotel, indignantly, asked the guide: “Why does everyone write in reviews that food in India is very cheap? If you do the math, it's expensive. And she began to give examples of how much food costs them in cafes and shakes... "
Want to save? Take smoked / semi-smoked products from home (if you like them), take one-time vermicelli, buy local dairy products in tetra packs in markets, inexpensive, try it. We bought, thought milk, it turned out to be something like fermented baked milk, but tasty. It’s just that at the end of our vacation we were already tired of the taste of seasonings of Indian cuisine, and we went to look for milk in the markets. Not found.
What else can you buy? Opposite the exit from the hotel, just a few meters away, there is a leather shop (bags, trousers, jackets). They sell ready-made, but you can order everything. There were 20 types of leather of different colors. I ordered more expensive lambskin leather trousers for 75 dollars. Sewn in two days. It turned out well, I wear it. The skin is thin, soft, the knees do not stretch. You can bring a sample of clothes made of fabric, sewn from leather. Bargain.
I also bought myself a silver bracelet and a necklace with garnets, I don’t even remember how much they gave, 2-3 thousand in rubles, or something, but they bargained for two days, until they finished off, went to the market in the direction of Calangute (to the left of the end of the hotel, on foot along the side of the Main Road, walk to the supermarket, after it there is somewhere a street towards the sea, there is a market - fruits, rags, pearls... )
Christmas in India. What makes India special at Christmas? Traffic jams. Many excursions just got up. Buses unloaded tourists without stopping at the villages (Calangute and Baga are the names of villages that stretch along the sea, and this Somi Resort hotel is located approximately on the imaginary border between these villages, the Pegasus guide explained this). On Christmas, Indians have several days off, which is why they come from the villages in whole buses to the sea. On Christmas, Indian children (if they are Catholic children, of course) on the street seat a stuffed effigy of clothes (“Saint Patrick”) on a chair, next to it is a mug for money, they sing and dance, expecting generosity from adults. Especially from foreigners. And we did not understand this at first. Then they understood, but still did not give anything. Because if you give it to one, a camp will come running. And such "Patricks" at Christmas are all over the city (village). By Christmas evening, all the roads around the hotel were clogged with vehicles, including expensive cars. The Indians were in a hurry to celebrate Christmas somewhere on the beach.
On the occasion of Christmas, a dinner was held at the hotel (prepaid by us at the travel agency in the amount of 2000 rubles per person). No complaints about dinner. The Indians tried to give a variety of dishes. But we obviously didn't eat much. In addition, we did not like the "holiday" queue to the buffet. And drinks, including alcohol, were at their own expense and at very expensive prices. Thus, the cost of dinner was unjustified.
Because of Christmas, we were not lucky with excursions (we were only at Spice Falls, fishing in the Indian Ocean, where we saw dolphins, we were also in the center of Ayurveda), they themselves refused to go to the night market. We took a taxi in the afternoon, went to Panaja (like the main city of the state of Goa? ) We told the taxi driver: “Bazaar... ” (this is a shopping district with many shops and shops), bought teas of various types, sweets in a pastry shop, souvenirs. We walked nearby, staggered to a beautiful Catholic church. We took pictures. The taxi driver waited an hour for us. Then they also wanted to go to this city for a day to take a walk, but it didn’t grow together.
New Year in India, at the Somi Resort. A few days before the New Year, we decided to take a TV into the room (how could we do without Russian New Year greetings and pre-holiday programs? ). They charged 100 rupees per day. But it turned out that there is not a single Russian channel! We watched action movies, films, advertisements in a foreign language.
December 31.2012 at six o'clock in the evening we went to say goodbye to the sea: the last time to swim, to photograph the sunset. Because on January 1, in the morning at 7-00, we had a flight home. They came from the sea - and began to gather for the New Year's banquet (paid in the amount of 2000 rubles per person). New Year's table - it was again Swedish, everyone rushed for seafood, dutifully stood in some queues. Certainly, some dose of alcohol (like a bottle of beer 0.5 or two per person) was included in the cost of the New Year's banquet, but there was no champagne. We were offered to buy champagne at the bar (I think for 2000 rupees), for about the same fee - a bottle of "very good European wine. " And they warned that if we drink our Old, we must pay an extra 200 rupees to the waiter serving the table. We have paid. Then we went to the market for champagne, it turned out to be expensive (600 rupees? I don’t remember). Rare shit. They slowly poured it onto the lawn (since the waiter said to hide it from the general manager! ) We bought cola at the bar, I made myself a light cocktail with Old.
True, there was still live music on New Year's Eve, elderly German women in brilliant outfits danced, a Russian guy in shorts lit up the Korean “gang-gang”, blocking the chorus with his voice, which amused the audience. There was a playful power outage, accompanied by a general exclamation of disappointment. There were New Year's fireworks. After the New Year's fireworks, we could observe the Indian tradition of congratulating the New Year. After the chiming clock, the service guys began to hug, jump, hold hands, laugh, congratulate each other, like small children.
Next to us were two or three set tables, occupied by Indian families with children. They went to the Europeans. And I am a white blonde... That is, to me first... But I did not understand this, because I do not know Indian. Suddenly, for me, an Indian man approached me and began, holding my hand, to say something. I foolishly thought that he was inviting me to dance (this was just not enough for me, I thought), I began to flatly refuse, looking at my husband. But when Indian women began to approach me with the same “makar” and let their children down, Stirlitz realized that they would be happy! On New Year's Eve, some kind of lottery was played, in which the Indians sitting at the tables won. Then the Indians set in motion "Indian chefs", who, in white chef's hats, in a noisy crowd and with gypsy enthusiasm, rushed to the dance floor, showing us how to dance, and then went around the pool, tearing the Europeans away from food and drink, dragging them along. Indian dances are simply demonic! But general happiness did not work out, the people did not go to dance en masse, the youth hit the road in the middle of the night to the beach at the disco, the adults began to dissolve, disperse according to numbers.
The tour operator started picking us up from hotels earlier than originally planned. Apparently not drunk. At two o'clock in the morning… January 1.2013… Slowly, with stops, we began to go around hotels and pick up people. There were no drunks on our bus. With such New Year's banquets - where do they come from?
Arrived at the airport, thanks to the tour operator, early. They didn’t let us in for passport control for a long time, there was nowhere to sit, we were kept “on our feet” in the airport lobby, people were standing all around the counter, lining up. A night without sleep is called. Some young couple, having quarreled the day before, “quietly” (like no one sees) rewarded each other with kicks. When everyone was already tired of standing, some of the people sat down / lay down on their bags. Some crazy blonde from Perm, vacationing in Delhi, ran from one bunch of people to another, enlightening everyone about how women are raped in India. Her mouth didn't shut up. Until she got tired and went to bed right on the floor, spreading some of her clothes under her. We stayed for over two hours! We, apparently, were punished in the New Year...
Do I consider my vacation ruined? No. New impressions blocked the negative moments. We went adequately paid price. My health has improved, I have never had a heart problem! "Charge" was enough for the whole winter.
A year has passed since my first meeting with India… What is it that draws me there now? BEAUTIFUL SEA, juices, fresh juices in the midst of the Russian winter... In addition, we did not go on excursions much, I would like to make up for it. Will I go to this hotel? No. Now I want to go to South Goa, there are more deserted beaches. "Party" I have enough at work.
Ticket prices. We took vouchers very cheaply, something around 13.000 rubles. apiece, but the added bonus was forced dinners (on Christmas and New Year), each for 2.000 rubles, and, of course, visas. Tourists! Who will go to celebrate the New Year in India, take champagne with you! There is no champagne in India, and what they call champagne in the supermarket is called chatter in Russia. We poured everything, no one even managed to drink a glass.
We were in India for the first time and the three of us had a rest: me, my husband, and my 20-year-old son. We almost did not go on excursions, we did not live on Ashvem, so the assessment of the hotel is reliable. Before going on vacation, I warned the family: “Imagine that you are not going to a very good pioneer camp... ” (my idea was formed from the reviews and subsequently came true). We flew from Perm at the end of December 2012. It was minus 30 outside. Perm students pulled up to the flight, there were a lot of young people (a couple of guys were in shorts at once and a few girls were in miniskirts and stilettos). Some of them were "from a hangover", recalling yesterday's booze, nearby girlfriends dreamed (out loud) upon arrival in India to buy herbs and something else... The mood improved...
India! Somi resort. . . The hotel is built like a residential building with entrances, floors, apartments. Since there were three of us, we got a two-room furnished suite with a kitchen, a bathroom-shower and a balcony on the top floor. For all the time (11 nights) we never handed over the key for cleaning the room, we didn’t want to: I cleaned something myself, we put the garbage in the bag in the corridor near the room, the cleaner took it away. The linen in the room is not white and has never been white. sewn from unbleached linen (this is the color of natural cotton and linen).
The son slept in one room, my husband and I - in another. My son got a wide and soft folding bed, we got an "oak" bed (who has a curvature of the spine - abroad will help you). Back hurt. It was hot. There was no air conditioning. The fan did not help if the window was closed. But if we opened the window - mosquitoes flew. The fumigator (blue, locally produced) helped us, but did not completely remove the problem. In addition, if the window was open, then the sounds from the street (loud beeps from the Main Road - it runs from the end of the hotel) and from the bar / pool (drunken screams of foreigners) prevented sleep. But since every day we struggled with the waves (super! ), walked a lot around the neighborhood, photographed "interesting things" (not the Taj Mahal, of course), we just passed out at night. In addition, we only had one window overlooking the pool / bar. Three others went to the construction site, where the labor of some guest workers was actively used. These guest workers were under our vigilant supervision. The guest workers were quiet. At night they slept somewhere in the same place, at a construction site. During the day they worked, doing everything by hand, so there was not much noise. Leaving for the beach and returning from it, we always went to the balcony to smoke and check what the builders were doing today. In the mornings, down there, they brushed their teeth with some red sticks, without toothpaste. They carried weights on their heads (even bricks), and so on, everything, not like ours.
There are no breakfasts at the hotel: toast, the same jam (strictly two types), butter, sugar, a kind of coffee, some kind of tea. Eggs were not always offered. But after breakfast, go straight to the beach! And there immediately fresh and the sound of the surf!
There were few Russians in the hotel, but they were, including young ones, on constant independent journeys. There were also Ukrainians, Germans, Spaniards, Americans. This is one of the recognized ones. People of different years, 30-40-50. There were also pensioners. Some foreigners were with children and teenagers, they played in the ball pool, they had lunch right there near the pool or in neighboring cafes across the road.
To understand what is located around the Somi Resort hotel, we walked along the side of the Main Road (it runs parallel to the sea coast line, this is the main traffic artery along which transport rushes). Go along the Main Road to the right from the end of the hotel - find Baga, go to the left - find Calangute, if you go straight from the end of the hotel - go out to the sea (only the path to the sea will be winding). From the Main Road to the sea you can get by different streets (some of them are beautiful, there are clean small hotels, some are miserable). From the beach we also tried to return to the Main Road by different streets: at first we walked along the edge of the sea to the left or right, when we saw a full path, we went up to the Main Road. On the way, we ate in some cafe we liked, bought something in shops (Indian bread, fruits). Walking in this way, you will understand where everything is located, where exchangers are cheaper, where are some cafes (in some there are more Indians, in others there are more Europeans), where are markets, etc. Of course, you don’t have to return to the seedy streets again. And you have to walk during the day. In the evening it is fraught with something to come, the benefit of the cow is nearby. In the evenings, you have to sit in the nearest cafe in an international team and eat what you like. You can also have dinner at the hotel, but the menu is only in English, there are no people, so it's boring. A little more expensive than the cafe across the street. The people are pulled up to the hotel bar by the pool only after thoroughly "picking up" in street cafes, closer to the night.
Seafood prices in all cafes are too high for tourists, we often took pork and chicken dishes, mashed soups. King prawns are just called that, they lose to northern sweet small prawns in taste. But this can be understood without leaving home by buying them at the nearest supermarket. Juices, fresh juices - yes, it should be consumed every day.
Sea. The sea is incomparable. If you know how to swim, you can ride the waves, just be careful when entering and careful when leaving the sea, the waves are strong, they can knock you down, but they won’t drown you - they will immediately take you to the shore along with muddy water and sand. If you don’t know how to swim, you can sit at the surf line, waves will wash over you (this is what retired foreigners did), but the wave will again be filled with sand near the shore. We always sat in the same neck (directly to the sea from the end of the hotel), I don't remember what it's called. But there were two Indian girls serving there. One was always in jeans, the second (tall and thin) in beautiful saris came, at the same time, during breaks, she gave women massages, manicures, and pedicures. And here, in this neck, there were only Europeans and Americans of different ages, some of them were pensioners. We were the only Russians. It was very calm. Our beach was clean (the girls cleaned up). The merchants didn't approach us at all. Two policemen were sitting next to the sheik under a canopy (maybe because it was Christmas and the influx of the rural population on Bagi beach (far to the right from us), maybe these policemen just wanted to sit here: among us was a German woman of about 50, who is constantly topless sunbathing, finally, maybe they were paid extra? ). By the way, we watched the Americans, apparently from the poor, or they followed the figure: they started the morning with mineral water, they also ate very modestly. Their granddaughter also took only mineral water and nan for 20 rupees (ind. bread) for lunch. That is, saving is not shameful. And in general, by the end of the holiday, it began to seem to us that we were the most voracious of foreigners in this neck, especially when on the way to the beach one morning we were met by some Englishman something like this: Oh! Rush! Good money!
Well, how else? We spend several hours a day on the beach, it’s hot, there’s nothing to do but swim, sunbathe, drink cola (30-45 rupees), try fruit juices, fresh juices (70-80 rupees), salads, all kinds of pasties, interesting sandwiches, local kitchen. Fruit cost us somehow an order of magnitude more expensive than in Thailand.
Prices. When we went on a fishing excursion in the Indian Ocean, one Russian woman from another hotel, indignantly, asked the guide: “Why does everyone write in reviews that food in India is very cheap? If you do the math, it's expensive. And she began to give examples of how much food costs them in cafes and shakes... "
Want to save? Take smoked / semi-smoked products from home (if you like them), take one-time vermicelli, buy local dairy products in tetra packs in markets, inexpensive, try it. We bought, thought milk, it turned out to be something like fermented baked milk, but tasty. It’s just that at the end of our vacation we were already tired of the taste of seasonings of Indian cuisine, and we went to look for milk in the markets. Not found.
What else can you buy? Opposite the exit from the hotel, just a few meters away, there is a leather shop (bags, trousers, jackets). They sell ready-made, but you can order everything. There were 20 types of leather of different colors. I ordered more expensive lambskin leather trousers for 75 dollars. Sewn in two days. It turned out well, I wear it. The skin is thin, soft, the knees do not stretch. You can bring a sample of clothes made of fabric, sewn from leather. Bargain.
I also bought myself a silver bracelet and a necklace with garnets, I don’t even remember how much they gave, 2-3 thousand in rubles, or something, but they bargained for two days, until they finished off, went to the market in the direction of Calangute (to the left of the end of the hotel, on foot along the side of the Main Road, walk to the supermarket, after it there is somewhere a street towards the sea, there is a market - fruits, rags, pearls... )
Christmas in India. What makes India special at Christmas? Traffic jams. Many excursions just got up. Buses unloaded tourists without stopping at the villages (Calangute and Baga are the names of villages that stretch along the sea, and this Somi Resort hotel is located approximately on the imaginary border between these villages, the Pegasus guide explained this). On Christmas, Indians have several days off, which is why they come from the villages in whole buses to the sea. On Christmas, Indian children (if they are Catholic children, of course) on the street seat a stuffed effigy of clothes (“Saint Patrick”) on a chair, next to it is a mug for money, they sing and dance, expecting generosity from adults. Especially from foreigners. And we did not understand this at first. Then they understood, but still did not give anything. Because if you give it to one, a camp will come running. And such "Patricks" at Christmas are all over the city (village). By Christmas evening, all the roads around the hotel were clogged with vehicles, including expensive cars. The Indians were in a hurry to celebrate Christmas somewhere on the beach.
On the occasion of Christmas, a dinner was held at the hotel (prepaid by us at the travel agency in the amount of 2000 rubles per person). No complaints about dinner. The Indians tried to give a variety of dishes. But we obviously didn't eat much. In addition, we did not like the "holiday" queue to the buffet. And drinks, including alcohol, were at their own expense and at very expensive prices. Thus, the cost of dinner was unjustified.
Because of Christmas, we were not lucky with excursions (we were only at Spice Falls, fishing in the Indian Ocean, where we saw dolphins, we were also in the center of Ayurveda), they themselves refused to go to the night market. We took a taxi in the afternoon, went to Panaja (like the main city of the state of Goa? ) We told the taxi driver: “Bazaar... ” (this is a shopping district with many shops and shops), bought teas of various types, sweets in a pastry shop, souvenirs. We walked nearby, staggered to a beautiful Catholic church. We took pictures. The taxi driver waited an hour for us. Then they also wanted to go to this city for a day to take a walk, but it didn’t grow together.
New Year in India, at the Somi Resort. A few days before the New Year, we decided to take a TV into the room (how could we do without Russian New Year greetings and pre-holiday programs? ). They charged 100 rupees per day. But it turned out that there is not a single Russian channel! We watched action movies, films, advertisements in a foreign language.
December 31.2012 at six o'clock in the evening we went to say goodbye to the sea: the last time to swim, to photograph the sunset. Because on January 1, in the morning at 7-00, we had a flight home. They came from the sea - and began to gather for the New Year's banquet (paid in the amount of 2000 rubles per person). New Year's table - it was again Swedish, everyone rushed for seafood, dutifully stood in some queues. Certainly, some dose of alcohol (like a bottle of beer 0.5 or two per person) was included in the cost of the New Year's banquet, but there was no champagne. We were offered to buy champagne at the bar (I think for 2000 rupees), for about the same fee - a bottle of "very good European wine. " And they warned that if we drink our Old, we must pay an extra 200 rupees to the waiter serving the table. We have paid. Then we went to the market for champagne, it turned out to be expensive (600 rupees? I don’t remember). Rare shit. They slowly poured it onto the lawn (since the waiter said to hide it from the general manager! ) We bought cola at the bar, I made myself a light cocktail with Old.
True, there was still live music on New Year's Eve, elderly German women in brilliant outfits danced, a Russian guy in shorts lit up the Korean “gang-gang”, blocking the chorus with his voice, which amused the audience. There was a playful power outage, accompanied by a general exclamation of disappointment. There were New Year's fireworks. After the New Year's fireworks, we could observe the Indian tradition of congratulating the New Year. After the chiming clock, the service guys began to hug, jump, hold hands, laugh, congratulate each other, like small children.
Next to us were two or three set tables, occupied by Indian families with children. They went to the Europeans. And I am a white blonde... That is, to me first... But I did not understand this, because I do not know Indian. Suddenly, for me, an Indian man approached me and began, holding my hand, to say something. I foolishly thought that he was inviting me to dance (this was just not enough for me, I thought), I began to flatly refuse, looking at my husband. But when Indian women began to approach me with the same “makar” and let their children down, Stirlitz realized that they would be happy! On New Year's Eve, some kind of lottery was played, in which the Indians sitting at the tables won. Then the Indians set in motion "Indian chefs", who, in white chef's hats, in a noisy crowd and with gypsy enthusiasm, rushed to the dance floor, showing us how to dance, and then went around the pool, tearing the Europeans away from food and drink, dragging them along. Indian dances are simply demonic! But general happiness did not work out, the people did not go to dance en masse, the youth hit the road in the middle of the night to the beach at the disco, the adults began to dissolve, disperse according to numbers.
The tour operator started picking us up from hotels earlier than originally planned. Apparently not drunk. At two o'clock in the morning… January 1.2013… Slowly, with stops, we began to go around hotels and pick up people. There were no drunks on our bus. With such New Year's banquets - where do they come from?
Arrived at the airport, thanks to the tour operator, early. They didn’t let us in for passport control for a long time, there was nowhere to sit, we were kept “on our feet” in the airport lobby, people were standing all around the counter, lining up. A night without sleep is called. Some young couple, having quarreled the day before, “quietly” (like no one sees) rewarded each other with kicks. When everyone was already tired of standing, some of the people sat down / lay down on their bags. Some crazy blonde from Perm, vacationing in Delhi, ran from one bunch of people to another, enlightening everyone about how women are raped in India. Her mouth didn't shut up. Until she got tired and went to bed right on the floor, spreading some of her clothes under her. We stayed for over two hours! We, apparently, were punished in the New Year...
Do I consider my vacation ruined? No. New impressions blocked the negative moments. We went adequately paid price. My health has improved, I have never had a heart problem! "Charge" was enough for the whole winter.
A year has passed since my first meeting with India… What is it that draws me there now? BEAUTIFUL SEA, juices, fresh juices in the midst of the Russian winter... In addition, we did not go on excursions much, I would like to make up for it. Will I go to this hotel? No. Now I want to go to South Goa, there are more deserted beaches. "Party" I have enough at work.
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