Review of Colonia de Braganza

Written: 24 april 2019
Travel time: 18 — 30 january 2019
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
We rested in Colonia de Braganza 2 *, we fly to the hotel for several years in a row, we are satisfied with its location. Everything is there: close to the beach and close to the center. We take a tour with breakfast only, the usual primitive breakfasts. We are satisfied that in this hotel we can cook ourselves. Shops are within walking distance. On the territory of 2 pools. As for the room - a regular, normal room, it happens that something does not work, but we are not picky tourists, we never have questions with them. If something is broken, they fix it. Please remove - remove. This is not Egypt, this is completely different. We had a representative of the tour operator in our hotel, but we did not go on excursions with him, we traveled on our own. This hotel is a 10 out of 10 for us.
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