travel in north india

Going to India for 10 days is ridiculous. We realized this a couple of days after landing in Delhi. This country is so diverse and interesting that it takes months, years to understand what India is. Our little trip was to places traditional for foreign tourists: a few days in the capital and a train to Varanasi, the city of Shiva, to the sacred river Ganges, to cleanse oneself from sins and save one's soul. There are more than a hundred sacred places and thousands of pilgrims from all over the world. . Ganges: steps of the Ghata, hundreds of boats, large Hindu washing, funeral pyres. . it's mesmerizing and stunning. Most temples are accessible only to believers, but we came only for the sake of the Ganges and it did not deceive expectations. Further way to Khajuraho - known for its erotic temples with images of the Kama Sutra. Two dozen temples seem to be composed of, not even thousands, but millions, a frieze with figurines of animals, military scenes, love couples. . beauty! ! it was worth it to trudge with transfers to this village. Now our way through Jhansi to Agra - the brilliant capital of the Mughals. It is impossible to be in India and not see the famous Taj Mahal. We are amazed! ! It is unrealistic to describe this masterpiece, it must be seen and felt, all the splendor of this unthinkable perfect beauty. India, I love you! it is different: bazaar, dusty, noisy, poor, at the same time delightful, majestic, colorful, good-natured and very bright and sunny. We will definitely return to this wonderful country.