To Israel on the second try

17 January 2011 Travel time: with 28 November 2009 on 28 November 2009
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Probably only we could try to cross the Israeli border twice in two days))). Now in more detail. We went to Israel on a one-day excursion from Egypt (Sharm El Sheikh). The trip was planned from Ukraine. Also, contacts of a travel agency in Sharm were found from Ukraine, which can take us to the Holy Land. We go to Egypt with TezTour and, in principle, we are satisfied with its work, but we decided not to go to Israel with them. Having contacted the person representing the travel agency already directly in Egypt, the date and time of departure were agreed. The departure was in the evening (how I don't like to ride the bus at night), by the middle of the night we reached the border. There we were dropped off the bus and with our things we went to cross the border on foot. Everything was great, until we got to getting visas! At this stage, we were informed that the visas for the three of us (me, husband, mother) were not open! Oh, how many nerves, disappointments and in the end already tears!

It turned out that from the whole group going on this excursion, only the three of us are Ukrainians, the rest are Russians (and as they know, entry into the country is visa-free). After a call to the representative of the travel agency (let's call him Mahmud), he still tried to accuse my husband of not saying that we had Ukrainian citizenship. Wow, I was mean. In general, we agreed to go there the same day with him and at a discount. To be honest, after such an attitude, I lost the desire to go somewhere with this wonderful travel agency, but my husband insisted, since we started, we need to finish. We arrived at the hotel early in the morning, very tired. From the second time, "Oh Miracle! ", Everything came out. The first stop was the Dead Sea. Bathing in it, there is nothing to compare with! At this stop, we were invited to visit the Dead Sea cosmetics store, (to be honest, I try not to get carried away with shopping on excursions in voluntary-compulsory stores, because the

more often than not, prices are higher than everywhere else, but this time there was no choice, because by the end of the day there were no stops to buy wonderful cosmetics) that's where the women came off, from the crowd that ran into the store, only cries of their faithful could be heard: "Give me money ")). Of course, I could not resist, I bought creams for myself and as a gift. The cosmetics are really good. A couple more hours and we drove up to Jerusalem. I couldn't take my eyes off the bus! What a beauty! The tour lasted about 4-5 hours, we tried to see the maximum during this time, but at the same time, unfortunately, there was no time, as they say, to look, touch, lick, sniff - everything was at a fast pace. There were queues to all the holy places. In the Church of the Holy Sepulcher there was a huge queue of tourists to the place of his resurrection, after standing for about an hour, we still managed to venerate the stone on which we left Jesus.

Feelings are not forgotten, some kind of crazy energy. We went through all the stops of the Sorrowful Way. Then we went to the Wailing Wall. Having made a wish, I wrote it on a piece of paper and squeezed it into the wall. After 11 months it came true. So do not believe after such miracles. Then they left for Palestine, in the city of Bethlehem. After standing in the temple of the birth of Christ for another hour-long queue of pilgrims, we ended up in the place where the son of God was born. There are a lot of impressions left. There is so much to see in one day and all this, as I wrote earlier, has a very strong energy, it is very tangible. In general, the trip was very pleasant, I would like to return "a little longer". Yes, and the cream has already run out's definitely time to go)))

Everything else is in the photo.

Translated automatically from Russian. View original
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