Greek service, restaurant - a full scoop

Written: 11 july 2011
Travel time: 4 — 9 july 2011
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 6.0
Service: 6.0
Cleanliness: 7.0
Food: 1.0
Amenities: 6.0
We rested at the Leonanti Hotel in early July 2011, arriving immediately from another, also three-star - "Cassandra Mare" in Halkidiki. So there was something to compare. First, about the pros of "Leonati", because they certainly were. Choosing this hotel, we were guided by one undoubted advantage - proximity to Athens. Arriving in Greece by car, we could travel much cheaper than offered by travel agencies. Therefore, the trip from "Leonati" to Athens is not burdensome financially (40 km of road) or in terms of effort. According to official websites, we knew about the large and quite good hotel beach. In fact, it was so, although among the beach disadvantages is this: almost every morning on the beach buses threw a large number of old people, and the sea turned white from panama hats, hats and handkerchiefs. Therefore, the hotel is definitely not for young people who will come here on the first day. Will not save the neighboring location of the so-called.
"Maritime Academy", which teaches children and youth windsurfing and yachting. I didn't ask how much it costs, but it doesn't seem to be cheap. Another thing I did not like when it comes to beach holidays, is that in the afternoon began another "throwing" - this time not grandmothers, but seaweed - and the water, generally very clean (next to the beach, awarded the blue flag of UNESCO), was at the shore black and very muddy. On the first day of our stay, we even avoided going into the sea (after the crystal clear water of Halkidiki), and then got used to it.
The advantages of the hotel include a large area, quiet and green. . The service that cleans the area and rooms is extremely diligent. By the way, it is good to have a fumigator with you, because mosquitoes bother you due to the proximity of wastelands and swamps.

Bungalows of Turkish architecture have terraces that do not overlook the sea, but pleasant to drink early coffee (occasionally I advise everyone to take a kettle and coffee with you, because restaurant coffee is a real slop). In the end, both the coffee and the restaurant itself in this case can be taken in quotation marks, because both this and those in "Leonant" - conventionality. The first day we were surprised by the menu. For dinner (at 20.00) we were given pasta with tomato sauce, sprinkled with cheese (actually Soviet pasta, not Italian pasta), and then the waiter brought mashed potatoes, pour a few pieces of meat with flour sauce. The range changed little during the week (for example, 3 days in a row gave gray rice, inventing sauces from boiled sausages, etc. ), in general, the idea was the same: to remind about the food hours of my school scoop childhood.
It occurred to me that the Greek cook had a long internship in a Soviet canteen - all with tomato and flour without any vegetables (although once they gave a quarter of a tomato, finely chopped because it was a slice of cucumber), for dessert in the evening was a traditional slice of watermelon with poorly cut rough skin (the cost of 1 kg of watermelon in this area - 29 cents). This restaurant's food contrasted sharply with what we usually ate in Greece, because the Greeks have a special attitude to cuisine. We have repeatedly dined in cheap Greek restaurants, where everything is very tasty, and each host should usually go to the guests and ask if they tasted good. By the way, the hotel "Leonanti" is located near a place where there are many beach bars, but you will not be able to eat in them. They prefer soft drinks there.
We did not go on a hunger strike because we were rescued by a car driving to the neighboring towns of Nea Makra and Marathon (the same one from where the newsletter ran to Athens with the news of the Battle of Marathon). Those who did not have a car, and there were many of them, had to go on a diet or make a lot of bread (it is very tasty in Greece, as well as Greek cuisine in general).
So, as a conclusion, you can live quite comfortably in the hotel "Leonanti", even in the evenings sometimes, if you're lucky, use free WiFi, but I definitely do not recommend eating there. And least of all, I would like my review to be reluctant to visit someone in Greece, because this is a fantastic country that will bring you the best impressions, just choose your hotel carefully.
Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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