Under the sun of France

19 July 2011 Travel time: with 28 April 2011 on 10 May 2011
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The choice of the tour was made a year before departure.

That extravaganza is, of course, unequivocal! : -)

Tour - Under the sun of France. GUIDE - Igor Zakharenko.

It is worth noting that I have never been a fanatic of either Paris or France in general. Moreover, reading any historical novels and short stories, I was always mentally against the French. Well, somehow it has already happened: -) Therefore, the expectation of something incredible nature was not. . even more - there was skepticism! Like, nu-nu, well, surprise, hit me with something. . will it work !!

It so happened that I had an unplanned acquaintance with Paris a few months before this tour, so the second "date" was already without the aforementioned skepticism, because you need to know who to be in Paris first! : -) I have already written about it somewhere, but, as they say, taking the opportunity - Igor Ivanovich, THANK YOU! You did the impossible! : -)

So, Paris! It was from him that my tour "Under the Sun of France" began, because I joined the rest of the group by plane.

Paris has already met as a native, albeit somewhat "non-flying" weather. But the weather did not interfere with the plans - Paris is always beautiful!

There is no sense in retelling the beauty of this city. Everyone sees Paris in their own way, everyone has their own Paris.

One thing I will note - real Paris opens only when you, without a group, wander around the city at random… drink coffee right on the street in a cafe or at a table and a half, where sitting next to you watching the life of a grandmother or a peer of French Revolution, but the Frenchwoman to the bone!

A special party in Paris - an evening boat trip on the Seine! I sincerely advise - this is another Paris! : -)

But let's move on! The next day, the group was offered an additional field trip to Chantilly and Saint-Liz. Of course I'm going! First of all, for the sake of "Three Graces" by Raphael in the gallery of the castle and Anna Yaroslavna in Saint-Liz!

"Graces" - seen! But the castle is no less impressive - it is definitely a must see!

Blois, on the other hand, was pleased not only with his appearance, but also with his utensils - paintings, sculptures and…. the wallpaper is impressive!

Bourgeois. Our group arrived in this town in the evening, but it did not interfere with the traditional night wandering around the city. And I could not wait to see the largest Gothic cathedral in France! So, 10 minutes walk from the hotel to the center, the map is deliberately ignored, and in search of divination and adventure. On the way there was a somewhat abandoned, but very interesting ferver house. I saw that ferverh a lot and everything. But this house impressed - first of all, the wooden membranes were obviously green when still using the house, which I personally have never met. But that's the little things! An ornament is carved on each section. And not some primitive, but a plot! Very strange and mysterious house!

I'm sorry that I didn't find a place on the map after finding it, because during the day, no matter how I looked for it, I didn't find it… We wander the night Bourgeoisie. At some point raising her eyes almost fainted! Because he was already in front of me! The largest Gothic cathedral in France! The first thing that flashed in my head - HOW GREAT IT IS! ! ! ! ! I strongly advise you to see HIM for the first time at night! Illumination is known to add mystique! : -)

We are on our way to Limoges! On the way we will drive to the Abbey of De Noorlac - an extraordinary atmosphere of solitude and tranquility! Lots of sky, lots of trees, lots of grass barefoot, lots of peace and inspiration! And in Limoges, the stained glass windows in the cathedrals were very impressive! Probably the most beautiful of those seen!

Rocamadour. Such a bizarre town of two streets, which grew into a rock. A very famous place among pilgrims. Thanks to the Black Madonna. Pilgrimage road up to the castle with symbolic stops, above - the Cross. Although symbolic, but it takes over.

By the way, I recommend starting from the top, from the castle and going down. It's not difficult to climb, it's not difficult. But after a "run" through a souvenir restaurant - not to spiritual enrichment. IMHO.

After visiting the Knight's Castle, Madonna is still the same for tourist attractions - souvenir shops, restaurants, shops. I will not say anything useful about souvenirs, I have "eaten" them for a long time, so they are of no interest to me, and I sincerely advise you not to ignore the famous branded goat cheese "Rokamadur"! . Delicacy!

Kaor. Valantre Bridge is well known. Well, everyone knows about the devil under the roof on one of the towers.

And where without Cahors! Homeland is not like the wine that we usually perceive as ecclesiastical.

And the house of Henry IV - not the fact that he stopped there, but impressive! Strongly!

No "sin" was found in this city mentioned in the Divine Comedy…

Basilica of Saint-Sernin - chic!

One thing to worry about is that we arrived late, so we didn't get to the middle. Jacobite Church - "palm" in the middle… And the city really has a pink decoration. Especially when the sun sets. Incredibly beautiful! That there were more hours. And even better - an overnight stay in Toulouse… next time!

Carcassonne. Grand fortress! The spirit of stewardship! Even in spite of all the tumultuous commercial activity inside the fortress. We went to the city. . either they didn't go there, or mediocre ...somehow.

Pont du Gard. Amazing sunset! Amazing ancient Roman aqueduct. Wow! Freedom wanted to shout…

Marseille. Gorgeous port city! Noisily! Bold! Where else is a strike a common occurrence? ! ! And it's okay that half of the city freezes in traffic jams while dissatisfied with something are on strike  But everything is peaceful, do not think!  I was very impressed by the passion for "striped cells" in architecture. Unusual, but beautiful! North Dam de la Garde and the Cathedral are definitely a must see!

And beautiful, and strong energy! Another simply luxurious place - the fish market! Such a variety of sea reptiles - still to be found! : -)

A separate "page" of Marseille - parks with roosters, peacocks, fish and other animals! Therefore, you should always have something tasty with you to feed some "fish" on occasion. : -)

By the way, it was only in Marseilles that she encountered some hostility towards English-speaking French. But a sincere smile and something in his eyes - still overcomes any language barriers: -) And more. Going to a restaurant - decide in advance what you want - because no one will be especially ceremonious with you. Unable to decide on the choice - that McDonald's is such a manifestation of self-consciousness in the Provencal French: -)

Langlois Van Gogh Bridge. Strange feelings from contemplating that something so free from God was a genius…

Three Provence. Le Bo de Provence. San Remy de Provence. Aix-en-Provence. I don't want to write anything… it's mine!

When hiring - no desire to share yet…

Avignon. Impressive and the only papal residence outside Rome. An interesting tour with an audio guide! Very interesting!

Orange. Well, of course, the biggest impression is the Triumphal Arch of a year before our era. It's scary to imagine - built in honor of Caesar's victory! And later the feathers are dedicated to Tiberius! ! ! !!

Annecy. French Venice, no different! : -) And in addition - the mountains, the lake and the color of the French market, where in principle you do not need to buy, but just immerse yourself in the atmosphere of quality, real stormy French life! And no GMOs for you! Everything is natural! And the products, and the French, and their communication, and their somewhere a little manners, but nobility, even in the process of choosing tomatoes! : -)

However, without the purchase did not pass - well, I could not resist: -)

Surprise from Extravaganza! We are going to Switzerland! Who knew? Who thought? ! ! Zakharenko both thinking and knowing! God bless you, Igor Ivanovich!

You know how to make surprises! We go to such picturesque places that from turning our heads to the calls "look to the right" - "look to the left" until the dizziness subsides! And here is an opportunity to consume purchased in Annecy at the market - we will have a picnic on the shores of Lake Geneva. By the way, the water in this lake is very clean. There are different greens for a picnic  Cool photos came out - snow-capped mountains, blue lake, tanned in the sun! : -)) Having a delicious drink, drinking for France, and for Switzerland, and, of course, for Ukraine, we gather, and go on - to Montreux! Beauty! Beauty! And once again - BEAUTY! Incredible embankment, Nabokov, Mercury… why such a Swiss old man in a shop. Mothers with prams. Flocks of children. Everything is so gentle, unhurried, with respect… Idyll!

Alsatian wine, ferver and the French, who do not understand half a word of English: -) This is how they communicated… but they understood each other.

No wonder they say that 80% of the information we do not convey in words 

AT! I almost forgot about the night serenades under the window ......

Riquire and Ribeauville. Two pearls of Alsace are embossed. I want to sing the Jingle Bens so much: -). Feeling like Christmas - beautiful, festive, delicious!

Afterword after the tour and its shortcomings!

Dear Extravaganza! Mr. Zakharenko!

I understand perfectly well that you will not repair the moral damage caused to me and, I think, counting on an apology is also useless! …. . the damage done to my peace of mind is irreparable!

I still dream of the central street of Aix-en-Provence.

I still taste the caramel cream.

Before your eyes still Pont du Gard…

I still remember that smell of the cheese shop in Annecy. .

The hands are still warm from the touch of the Caesar-Tiberius Arc de Triomphe in Orange!

Now, when I hear Kurt Cobain, I remember the park on the shores of Lake Geneva and the brass band that performed Nirvana's masterpieces with such inspiration.

When I hear the banal rooster "ku-kurika" - I will remember the roosters climbing the trees in the parks of Marseille!

My umbrella still smells of Parisian rain.

I have no life now… without France!

But I will give you the opportunity to somehow make amends - book me two seats on a tour of western France for next May!

Viva France!

Viva Extravaganza!

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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