Holiday and light city (part 7)

08 January 2020 Travel time: with 04 December 2019 on 08 December 2019
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Start here:

Part 1. Two godparents and the first acquaintance with Lyon < / a>

Part 2. Fog, Fourviere and Old Lyon

Part 3. Trouble, claustrophobia and other joys

Часть 4. Праздник Света и брак словального запаса

Part 5. Croix-Rousse Hill and the Aesthetics of Working Architecture

Part 6. Peninsula, evening city and unexpected worship < / a>

Day 3 (end). Feast of Light, Student Works and Salvador Dali

In the Old Town it is immediately obvious that the tradition of lighting candles in the windows, thanks to Mary for the great and small virgins, is relevant today.

The work of Lianes by Erik Barray , like the heroine of his work, the liana, has spread throughout the city.

These sparkling and curly plants gently envelop the walls and trees, transporting us into the fantastic world of Lewis Carroll's fairy tales.

Experiments are students from Les Grands Ateliers. Starting in 2003, Les Grands Ateliers, in partnership with the city, will hold a separate competition for student work. These works make up the individual experimental outline of the Fê te des Lumiè res.

And if the "adult" works of the Festival of Light must be accompanied by extensive comments on the idea of ​ ​ the work, the students offer us to include their own imagination and feel what they wanted to convey to the viewer.

The rotating ballerina is constantly changing her shape:

Fish from plastic bottles among the paper waves of the ocean:

Bees collecting their "light" nectar: ​ ​

Chess King and Queen:

Dinner with a view of the city:

She was awarded a special prize by the festival partners.

< img alt = "" src = "https://scontent. fiev3-1. fna. fbcdn. net/v/t1.0-9/p960x960/81040929_2662247433840556_5713465805547503616_o.jpg? _nc_cat=109&_nc_ohn_xc7X fna & _nc_tp = 1 & oh = 996c54fd2c2ad39097cc85554b2a0530 & oe = 5EA3E41A "style =" height: 960px; width: 1440px "/>

Genesis by THÉ ORIZ Studio. The authors present their vision of the origin of the world: from the creation of stars to the emergence of water, from the birth of mankind to the industrialization and invention of data networks. This skillful and poetic work not only traces the evolution of humanity, but also raises questions about our future.

By the way, THÉ ORIZ Studio has been working for several years to develop tools that can generate visual effects that emphasize the architecture of Saint-Jean-Baptiste Cathedral. And they certainly succeeded! In my personal rating, this work is in the top ten.

< img alt = "" src = "https://scontent. fiev3-1. fna. fbcdn. net/v/t1.0-9/p960x960/79906208_2662249370507029_5099158553051004928_o.jpg? _nc_cat=101&_nc_ohc=kEP_kj fna & _nc_tp = 1 & oh = 0fd268dadebbaf7ce453eb02dee3c6f8 & oe = 5E9CCA87 "style =" height: 960px; width: 1440px "/>

FLOWER POWER by Jean-Pierre David & Christian Thellier / Aé rosculpture. The work clearly shows the effect of "vision deception".

To do this, you need to look up and see the magnificent and fantastic nature around.

Nice showcase))

LIGHT ME by Sé verine Fontaine. At the Place de la Bourse, monumental spotlights begin an excellent dialogue with their surroundings. Lamps interact with each other and the audience, illuminating the surrounding facades and people.

In Claude Gomez's musical work, we distinguish between the voices of men and women who speak different languages. This choir accompanies the installation and symbolizes all the richness and diversity of Lyon's human capital.

Meditative and fascinating action.

In my subjective rating, this work is in the top ten.

< img alt = "" src = "https://scontent. fiev3-1. fna. fbcdn. net/v/t1.0-9/p960x960/80289345_2662255270506439_5276437447067041792_o.jpg? _nc_cat=110&_nc_ohcDHRS=ht10

fna & _nc_tp = 1 & oh = 04c934c5e8d235d7d2387ce30c1ed354 & oe = 5EA54EB7 "style =" height: 960px; width: 1440px "/>

MicroCOSMOS by Dorel Naste, Cristian Iordache, Andrei Drî mb, Stefan Damian / Mindscape Studio, Ygreq Interactive.

A structure with 20 faces that becomes a source of light at night. This is, on the one hand, a fragment of the great universe, and on the other - a microscopic dimension of the human body. In fact, bright animating points are similar to our neural system.

Lumignons du Cœ ur from the Production Directorate of the Vé nements and the Animation of the Ville de Lyon, as well as in the development of the Association APF France handicap.

There are 1.200 windows around the perimeter of the Place de la Ré publique with 5.000 candles flickering. The work immerses the viewer in Lyon of the 1900s.

Anyone could take part in the creation of this scenography, for this it was necessary to buy a candle. Profits from candle sales are donated to various charities each year.

In 2019

The project was helped by APF France Handicap, which deals with people with disabilities. A total of 61 thousand was collected. euro.

And then yesterday's story with Cinderella is repeated - the lights go out, the music goes silent. The pedometer gives the final figure of the day - 2.421.

To be continued here:

Часть 8. Аннеси - человек и пароход город и озеро в Верхней Savoy

Part 9. Feast of Light, Queues and Philosophical Reflections

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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 Одна з вітрин в Ліоні ))
Традиція запалювати свічки у вікнах, дякуючи Марії за великі та малі дива, актуальна і в наш час.
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 MicroCOSMOS від Dorel Naste, Cristian Iordache, Andrei Drîmbă, Ștefan Damian/Mindscape Studio, Ygreq Interactive.
 MicroCOSMOS від Dorel Naste, Cristian Iordache, Andrei Drîmbă, Ștefan Damian/Mindscape Studio, Ygreq Interactive.
 Les Lumignons du Cœur від Production Direction des Événements et de l’Animation de la Ville de Lyon au profit de l’association APF France handicap.
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