Holiday and light city (part 4)

04 January 2020 Travel time: with 04 December 2019 on 08 December 2019
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Start here:

Part 1. Two godparents and the first acquaintance with Lyon < / a>

Part 2. Fog, Fourviere and Old Lyon

Part 3. Trouble, claustrophobia and other joys

Day 2 (end). Holiday of Light and lack of vocabulary

Ежегодно в Лионе будет проводиться грандиозный Праздник света – ВэтовремявгородсъезжаетсяоколодвухмиллионовтуристовизсамойФранцииидругихстран.Вэтомгодуятакжебыласредидвухмиллионов))








Iimmediatelygofromthevisors:)),becausethisworkofart,basedontheresultsoftheonlinespectatorvoting,becamethewinnerof"Trophe des Lumiè res France 2019".

But I will note that taste is a subjective concept, so in my personal rating, this work is definitely in the top ten, but the strength of the impression is definitely not in the first place.

So, more than 500 installations at the foot of the monument to Louis XIV have turned Place Bellecour into a large meadow inhabited by incredible flying creatures. Radiant plants, 4 meters high, create the feeling of either a wild field or a fantastic ocean. And the spectator reduced to the size of an ant is offered an effective immersion in the monumental world around.

To visualize the action, I give a link to the video, and photos will be useful for viewing the details.

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PAVILLON by Sé bastien Lefè vre.

This conical structure seems to float in weightlessness over Place Antonin Poncet.

The installation regularly comes to life and shimmers over the audience in the rhythm of a lyrical composition from "Yes Sœ ur". The complete illusion of immersion in a hypnotic symphony of bright strings is created.

The audience especially appreciated the idea of ​ ​ the author with a "lying" version of the contemplation of this work of art))

There are a lot of people on the holiday ...

Colosses by Louxor Spectacle / Vincent Loubert. An allegorical sculpture on the Pont Bonaparte, where a pair of giants keep the bridge structures from the threat of rising water.

The work embodies all the fragility of people and buildings in contact with nature. This is a metaphor for man's unbridled desire to tame the element.

A silent struggle, the outcome of which is unknown.

Les Cueilleurs de Nuages ​ ​ by CozTen.

The author was inspired to invent this work to alleviate drought caused by global warming. The magic show watches the adventures of the giants' homeland while gathering clouds to water a fantastic flower of light - a fragile symbol of nature that is in danger.

Combining the light, projection and sound composition of Enzo Izzi, this work transforms the surrounding buildings into a huge sky and invites us to perceive clouds as a source of life and dreams.

In my personal rating, this work is, of course, in the top ten.

< / p>

Lightning Cloud Their light movements perform an amazing hypnotic dance.

Fragments of virtual light are gradually evolving to gather near a metal cloud in the center of the square.

This work is a vivid allegory of everyday digital data that is sent through communication networks and processed by our brain.

This work suddenly hit me harder, so in my personal rating it is in the top three.

< / p>

WASSERLEUCHTEN by Ralf Lottig. Fontaine des Jacobins is located in the heart of the fantastic water universe. High-tech scenography reminds the viewer of the importance of water in our lives.

This work is a metaphor for a spiritual journey in which water, a controversial symbol of life force or destruction, becomes a source of inspiration.

Can You See The Light

Inspired by the world of Las Vegas and pop culture, the authors mix bright colors, cartoon details and the advertising aesthetics of American characters in one work. "img alt =" "src =" https://scontent. fiev3-1. fna. fbcdn. net/v/t1.0-9/p960x960/79755070_2652577438140889_104567743394611200_o.jpg?

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People, people, their billions))

The Great Indecision Council by Romain Tardy. At Place Sathonay, several modules located around the perimeter of the square, in real time, voice the most popular queries of Google users in France.

According to the author's plan, such a lexical enumeration without continuation or logic raises the question of the confidentiality of our smartphones. ?

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Un toute petite histoire de lumiè re by Spectaculaires, les Allumeurs d’Images. This work won according to the results of the festival jury vote. Here I completely share the opinion of the majority, because this work is in the top three and my own subjective rating))

Очікуємо на початок:

The show is about to fill the Place des Terreaux with light when the engines suddenly stop. Black screen on the facade of the museum! Behind the scenes, we hear the technical staff swearing.

But in the darkness, lights gradually appear, the proportions change, we walk in the clouds and fly like in a dream. Poetic work that calls into question our ability to live without electricity.

< / p>

Those are tr'Eaux, and the top was swallowed with water.

The author invites us to immerse ourselves in the mysterious water world under the lyrical composition Enzo Izzi.

Les Lustres by TILT. There are five chandeliers measuring six by six meters on Place Louis Pradel. Each monumental lamp has 20 colors. They are waiting for an audience that will come to them to gradually begin to glow and compose their own symphony of light, which will turn this place into an open ballroom.

Faites vos jeux by Sté phane Durand and Patrick Laurino. On the Place du Griffon, like a ship in a mill, lies a large slot machine. The casino atmosphere is supported by shouts of "make your bet" from the invisible croupier.

The irony of this work reminds the public of his constant desire to win, but for life no one has yet been able to write their own rules of the game.

Here, as in the tale of Cinderella, all the lights go out at once, the music subsides. To date, the action is complete.

The body happily exhales and dreams of crawling to the crib)) Pedometer records the day - 3.578.

Continued here:

Part 5. Croix-Rousse Hill and the Aesthetics of Working Architecture

Part 6. Peninsula, evening city and unexpected worship < / a>

Часть 7. Праздник Света, студенческие работы и Сальвадор Дали < / p>

Часть 8.

Annecy - man and steamer city and lake in Haute-Savoie

Part 9. Feast of Light, Queues and Philosophical Reflections

Translated automatically from Ukrainian. View original
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