Papa Jolly's Boutique Hotel 3*– Reviews

Rating 7.010
based on
4 reviews
6.5 Rooms
6.5 Service
6.3 Cleanliness
6.3 Food
6.3 Amenities
The hotel is located in the heart of North Goa. Nearby are bars, restaurants and shops. From here you can easily reach the main attractions of the region. The hotel is suitable for family vacations, romantic trips or for relaxing with friends.More →
аватар karapetyan_mara
The hotel was chosen by my sister Lilia, she travels to Goa for many years, . My husband and I really liked it, very attentive staff, all clean and tidy, ready to help at any time of the day. We had a very beautiful view of the ocean from the balcony, in the heat and evenings we spent on the balcony. Our number is f-5. … More ▾ The hotel was chosen by my sister Lilia, she travels to Goa for many years, . My husband and I really liked it, very attentive staff, all clean and tidy, ready to help at any time of the day. We had a very beautiful view of the ocean from the balcony, in the heat and evenings we spent on the balcony. Our number is f-5.
аватар em7625798
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 9.0
Decent family hotel. Families with children stay. Everything is clean, the hotel is very green. I really liked the pool, surrounded by flowers, in the morning birds fly in to drink water from it. Many colors. It takes about 3 minutes to walk to the ocean. The rooms are large, everything is comfortable. The manager is Russian, she will help solve all problems, there will be no language barrier. … More ▾ Decent family hotel. Families with children stay. Everything is clean, the hotel is very green. I really liked the pool, surrounded by flowers, in the morning birds fly in to drink water from it. Many colors. It takes about 3 minutes to walk to the ocean. The rooms are large, everything is comfortable. The manager is Russian, she will help solve all problems, there will be no language barrier. The hotel only has breakfast, everything is very worthy and tasty. I recommend this hotel to my friends.
аватар elena5060
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 2.0
Read the reviews and chose this hotel. Upon arrival, to say that we were completely disappointed would be an understatement. At first they thought that the reviews read on the site belong to another hotel... but no. Therefore, in the end, the question remained - either the previous reviews were custom-made, or written by the hotel staff themselves. … More ▾ Read the reviews and chose this hotel. Upon arrival, to say that we were completely disappointed would be an understatement. At first they thought that the reviews read on the site belong to another hotel... but no. Therefore, in the end, the question remained - either the previous reviews were custom-made, or written by the hotel staff themselves. Or it became so bad in it after it began to belong to the Russians. There is no herbal pool, no Jacuzzi, no exclusive design in every room. The hotel does not match, neither the reviews nor the prices charged for it. A standard room costs $150 per day, a deluxe room costs $250. So, everything is in order. The hotel positions itself as 4 stars, we used to live in 3, but they were all a huge order of magnitude higher. True, there is no evidence that there are so many stars there.
Initially, the hotel belonged to an Anglo-Hindu family, then it was sold to the Russians, the owners live in Russia, the manager Julia lives in GOA. The first days she communicates with new guests with pleasure - she offers excursions (which will be more expensive than you buy them yourself), sells local SIM cards for 2.400 rupees, which will be taken away from you and given to others upon departure, brings reptile skin, carries jewelers, brings astrologers to the hotel, with whom she herself sits for hours, etc. A lot of funny things are told about the owners of the hotel and their relatives of all kinds of spicy things, which all the guests laugh at. Apparently, this is such an animation - to find out how the owner's mother-in-law cooked porridge and hung XXXXL panties near the pool to dry, what a stupid child they have, etc. As soon as she understands that she can’t take anything else from you, interest quickly ends and further with any requests - such as fixing the air conditioner, inserting batteries into the remotes - the op and boor begins. Repeatedly heard how she just screamed at different guests. Note to future guests - if something constantly breaks in you, and Yulia evaporates - you can always find her in the evenings in expensive local restaurants, where she hangs out and dine. Our air conditioner was constantly breaking down - they came to fix it every day, the next it did not work again. As soon as the air conditioner was cut down, after 10 minutes there was already a terrible heat in the room and the stench from the canteen below. Our neighbors did not have batteries in their remotes, to which they were told that they could go and buy them themselves in the store.
The standard room is small and lacks a closet. Instead, something small and incomprehensible stands out of the rods and is closed with a dirty curtain. There is a canopy over the bed, filthy to the point of horror. The bed, if you can call it that, is a concrete square with boards and a tattered mattress on top. For 2 weeks of stay, linen was never changed, it was easy to notice, because. it had holes. At the entrance to the bathroom there will be a tiny shampoo (for long hair, which is exactly 1 time) and soap on the sink. There was no shower gel at all. For 2 weeks, nothing more was added to us. Again, it was suggested that we buy ourselves, they say, a bar of soap and a small shampoo should have been enough for us according to their standards. If we don't have enough, that's our problem - we have to go to the store and buy ourselves.
Living creatures live in the room, at the reception we were told that no one would clean up 2 lizards and incomprehensible black bugs - after all, these are someone's grandparents. The view from the window was in the trash.
Breakfast is an order from the menu. Of which 2 types of juice can be given free of charge, tea, coffee, fruit salad, toast with jam, local flatbread, oatmeal porridge and eggs - to choose from, and not all together. If you want something more, they will cook it, but for a fee. In general, breakfast - as stolen. Just right to lose weight. We dined at the hotel 1 time, both my husband and I were poisoned in earnest - the temperature was under 40 for a week and everything else that was inherent in the poisoning was cured at home. Doctors have identified a wand. Poisoned exactly at the hotel, because. they didn’t eat anywhere else that day, not even fruit. Only breakfast and lunch at the hotel, there was no dinner. This is the first time. I could understand - get drunk somewhere on the street, but after eating in shek everything was fine, but from the hotel cooking it turned out like this.
Keep track of your bills. Julia convincingly told us that we should not take a steam bath, rest calmly, we will pay everything at once upon departure. It's good that they didn't listen to her. On the 3rd day, we went to check the accounts, because. took 1 time water and 1 tonic from the minibar, what was our surprise when we put up 300 bucks. We were surprised to say the least, because we ate breakfast only with what was free and never ate at the hotel again at that time. They demanded to look at the bills - it turns out we are just gluttons and at the same time suffer from amnesia, which we just didn’t eat... according to their papers. The fights didn't lead to anything. To our answer - that we did not sign these checks, did not eat and would not pay - we heard that it was not customary for them to sign checks. After that, every evening they came to the reception to check the bills. A similar situation was with the guys we met there, for 2 soups they were then billed at 6500 rupees, like they also ate seafood. We repeatedly saw people swearing at the reception when they left, when they were already waiting for transport to the airport, they were in a hurry, and they were proved that they had not paid for something in the minibar. People were indignant, cursing, because. payment was made the evening before, but had to be paid, after which there were shouts about this "wonderful" hotel.
At the reception and a cafe on the beach from the hotel, different types of drugs are constantly offered to guests.
It takes about 15 minutes to walk to the sea at a fast pace. Right at the gate from the hotel there are huge heaps of manure, the smell of which spreads to the entire hotel. You sit in the dining room or swim in the pool - and such aromas.
On the way to the beach you pass through garbage dumps.
The beds are simply very dirty and torn, under which dogs with lichen are constantly lying. The beach is dirty, no one cleans it up, like all the garbage around.
Big advice - do not spoil your nerves, health and do not waste money. Hotels nearby, for 50 bucks a day were just an order of magnitude higher. It's a pity the money was sent back from Russia, otherwise they would have moved. The whole holiday was just a nightmare.
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аватар wwwarellano
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 9.0
I rested in the month of January, the hotel was full, but the service was decent, there were no problems. I liked the seafood in the restaurant, the prices are moderate, but not like in shek on the street. beach 320 steps (counted not too lazy). Ashvem beach I think is the best in GOA, clean / by Indian standards /, there are no merchants. … More ▾ I rested in the month of January, the hotel was full, but the service was decent, there were no problems. I liked the seafood in the restaurant, the prices are moderate, but not like in shek on the street. beach 320 steps (counted not too lazy). Ashvem beach I think is the best in GOA, clean / by Indian standards /, there are no merchants. I fulfilled requests (orders of restaurants, discos, passage to parties, and so on) I was pleasantly surprised by the screenings of films in the evenings in a restaurant / in Russian /.

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Anjuna Flea Market
Rating 10.0
India, North Goa
Shopping, Streets, squares, viewpoints
Chapora beach
Rating 10.0
India, North Goa
Beaches, Nature

Отель расположен в самом центре Северного Гоа. Поблизости находятся бары, рестораны и магазины. Отсюда можно легко добраться до главных достопримечательностей региона. Отель подойдет для семейного отдыха, романтического путешествия или для отдыха в кругу друзей.

Location Расстояние до автобусного вокзала Мапусы составляет 15 км, до железнодорожного вокзала Тивим – 20 км, а до международного аэропорта Гоа – 57 км.
Description of the beach Отель расположен в 500 метрах от пляжа Морджим и пляжа Ашвем.
  • 3rd and beyond
  • city ​​beach
  • sand beach
In a hotel

К услугам гостей принадлежности для барбекю. Предоставляются услуги по продаже билетов. Стойка регистрации работает круглосуточно. По запросу еда и напитки доставляются в номер.

  • restaurant
  • cafe/bar
  • open pool
  • parking  FREE 
  • car rental
  • free wi-fi
  • laundry
  • currency exchange
  • payment by payment cards
Entertainment and sports
  • yoga classes
  • water activities
  • fishing
  • organization of excursions
Description of rooms

Отель предлагает 14 комфортабельных номеров.

In the rooms

Система кондиционирования/вентилятор, мини-бар, чайник, сейф, телевизор, телефон, туалетные принадлежности, фен, рабочий стол, кресла, Wi-Fi, кровать, прикроватные тумбочки, шкаф/вешалка для одежды.

The address No.749, 749a, 749b New Vaddo Morjim Ashwem road, Pernem Taluka, 403512 Морджим, Индия
Phones: +91-832-2244113, 2244114, +91 9822589960, 9527788767 Whatsapp : +91 9527788767
Какой пляж у отеля?
Отель располагается на 3-й пляжной линии или далее. Рядом с отелем находится городской песчаный пляж.
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Для поддержания хорошей физической формы отель предлагает йогой. В отеле есть водные развлечения. Море и волны заиграют новыми красками если воспользоваться услугами рыбной ловли. В отеле присутствует организация экскурсий, упрощает выбор и дает советы специалист по туризму.