Zarosliak 3*– Reviews

Rating 9.510
based on
2 reviews
9.0 Rooms
9.5 Service
9.5 Cleanliness
10.0 Food
7.5 Amenities
The recreation center "Zaroslyak" is located at an altitude of 1330 meters above sea level and is the highest object of the sports and recreation infrastructure in Ukraine. Educational and sports base "Zaroslyak" presents unique opportunities for health improvement, recreation and sports. The base "Zaroslyak" is located at the very foot of Mount Hoverla, at the source of the Prut River and is surrounded on all sides by forests and the peaks of the Carpathian mountains.More →
аватар katedon777
Of course, I understand that we have good service in Ukraine, either for very decent money or quiet horror, there is no middle ground. Ok, when I pay 250-300 UAH for a room, I understand that this is a low level. But excuse me for 500 UAH for a room with smeared paint on the walls, an old sagging chair, worn floors, washed out towels, scary balconies that are dangerous to go out on and bedding like in a hospital - in my opinion this is too much! 220 UAH / 1 person - we paid for dinner and breakfast. … More ▾ Of course, I understand that we have good service in Ukraine, either for very decent money or quiet horror, there is no middle ground. Ok, when I pay 250-300 UAH for a room, I understand that this is a low level. But excuse me for 500 UAH for a room with smeared paint on the walls, an old sagging chair, worn floors, washed out towels, scary balconies that are dangerous to go out on and bedding like in a hospital - in my opinion this is too much! 220 UAH / 1 person - we paid for dinner and breakfast. The price corresponds to the price in a good cafe. At the same time, you must clean the dishes yourself (as in a pioneer camp, an immense aunt comes up to you and says - And who will clean the dishes, then the jaw fell off)))
I don't know what to like about this base. Nearby in Vorokhta (it’s better to go down another 10 km by car after climbing Hoverla) there are much more beautiful and adequate places for rest and overnight. Service - 0, service - 0. I wish you to close, because God forbid you disgrace Ukraine in front of foreigners. We are locals and still remember the USSR service and nothing will surprise us anymore (in 4 years of very active travels throughout Ukraine, for the first time I meet a hotel without soap in the toilet !! ! )
аватар Natashka87-87
 •  traveled 9 years ago
Rating 10.0
We rested on New Year's holidays 2016 - the end of December-beginning of January by a company from Kyiv. I must say right away that we had previously stopped in Vorokhta, this time we decided to take a chance and stop at Zaroslyak, as we planned several one-day tour routes, and the location in this sense at Zaroslyak is the most advantageous. … More ▾ We rested on New Year's holidays 2016 - the end of December-beginning of January by a company from Kyiv. I must say right away that we had previously stopped in Vorokhta, this time we decided to take a chance and stop at Zaroslyak, as we planned several one-day tour routes, and the location in this sense at Zaroslyak is the most advantageous.
The base was a pleasant surprise. To be honest, after reading some reviews, we were preparing for uncomfortable rooms and dubious food. And in vain!!!
We lived in rooms with private facilities overlooking Hoverla))))) The rooms are renovated and clean!! ! I don’t know, maybe someone doesn’t have enough jacuzzi with air conditioning, so they write all sorts of heresy. The staff is very friendly. On especially cold days, they even gave out oil heaters))) When settling in, the batteries were not warm. So, within 15 minutes, a base worker came, tweaked something, and, as they say, it worked)))
Dining room - great!! ! Tasty, and for every taste. Prices are average and below average. A plate of borsch - 15 hryvnia, the second - 20 hryvnia. It's far away from civilization!!
Light and hot water - round the clock!!!
I would especially like to note the honesty of the base workers. We managed to forget the SLR in the dining room in the evening. So, the next morning - RETURNED!!! ! Moreover, the employees of the dining room themselves walked around the floors and asked if anyone had forgotten the camera. We were in shock
In general, we really liked it))) and the base itself, and the staff, and of course - dizzying views and nature!!!
I recommend to everyone, we will definitely come back here and will advise)))
And further. Friends told me that in January there was a story about this base on Inter, which talked about the rudeness of the staff on New Year's Eve, someone was not served there. So - a lie !!! ! We were on New Year's Eve in this dining room from the opening of the evening and hours until two in the morning. No one had any pretensions! Everyone had fun, meeting the New Year. The staff worked quickly and kindly. so we don't believe a single word!
Красавица Говерла
аватар Lena_sot
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 9.0
I go to "Zaroslyak" several times a year! DIVINE PLACE! I immediately warn you who needs parties, discos, bars and civilization - he is not in Zaroslyak, but who goes in for sports, skiing in winter, being alone with nature, wandering through the mountains of fabulous beauty - this is definitely a camp site in Vorokhta Zaroslyak. … More ▾ I go to "Zaroslyak" several times a year! DIVINE PLACE! I immediately warn you who needs parties, discos, bars and civilization - he is not in Zaroslyak, but who goes in for sports, skiing in winter, being alone with nature, wandering through the mountains of fabulous beauty - this is definitely a camp site in Vorokhta Zaroslyak. The rooms are modest, sovdepovskie, but clean, very comfortable, hot-cold water around the clock. And the kitchen in the camp site - then some restaurants are resting. Many thanks to the cook Olechka, and I also really want to thank the director - Evdokia Ivanovna, the entire administration, from myself and from my husband. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE WARM WELCOME, AMAZING HOLIDAY. Best wishes and prosperity to you from the bottom of my heart.

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Viaduct in Vorokhta
Carpathians, Vorokhta
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База отдыха «Заросляк» расположена на высоте 1330 метров над уровнем моря и является самым высокогорным объектом спортивно-оздоровительной инфраструктуры Украины. Учебно-спортивная база «Заросляк» представляет уникальные возможности для оздоровления, отдыха и занятий спортом. База «Заросляк» расположен у самого подножия горы Говерлы, у истоков реки Прут и со всех сторон окружена лесом и вершинами карпатских гор.

In a hotel
Entertainment and sports Материально-техническое обеспечение учебно-спортивной базы «Заросляк» позволяет круглогодично проводить спортивные мероприятия команд и спортсменов любого уровня. На базе постоянно действует спортивно-оздоровительный комплекс, включающий игровой и тренажерный залы, сауну и массажный кабинет.
  • sauna/bath/hammam
  • gym
Description of rooms

Номера от Эконом до Люкс.

In the rooms

Номера со всеми удобствами, из окон которых открывается прекрасный вид на Говерлу.

The address Пгт. Ворохта, ул.Говерлянская, 31, Яремчанского городского Совета, Ивано-Франковской области
Phones: +38 (03434) 415-91
+380 (68) 162-06-28, +380 (93) 803-44-82, +380 (66) 135-52-39, +380 (68) 904-95-70
Website: Zarosliak
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
Отель предоставляет услуги сауны / бани / хаммам. . Для поддержания хорошей физической формы отель предлагает посетить тренажерный зал.