On the territory there is a swimming pool and jacuzzi under a canopy. There are not so many people, sunbeds are always free. Towels can be borrowed from the reception for free. There are very few Russians, mostly foreigners. The beach is good, very close, two steps away, there are sun loungers and umbrellas, there is enough free space. The sea is very calm as it is a bay, sand and water are good, clean. You can swim with a mask, a very beautiful bottom.
Nearby there is a massage parlor, a couple of cafes, fruit stands. In general, everything you need for a relaxing holiday. Shopping and noisy entertainment do not interest me, so for myself I ordered a sea excursion from the locals to Tachai Island and the Phi Phi Islands. It's great to ride the sea in a speedboat and find yourself on the islands with simply picturesque landscapes and beaches! In general, it was the maximum relaxation and rest from everything, as I planned.

The hotel was small but cosy. The wait staff is polite, attentive, and pleasant. The main disadvantages of the hotel 2: it is located on the outskirts, far from civilization. There is a small cafe 500 meters along the road leading to Phuket town, another one on the beach, and the prices at the hotel are anti-people. The second drawback is the beach. The beach is coral-stony, you can swim only at high tide, and even then at the moment of the highest water. At low tide, the water goes behind the buoys, leaving a large strip of silt and stones. In principle, having special shoes, this strip can be overcome, and then you can swim behind the buoys. The shower in the hotel rooms is also not very convenient, instead of a pallet, there is a small recess in the floor, lined with the same tiles as the floor. The shower is rigidly fixed to the wall, without a flexible hose. That's probably all the bad things that can be said about the hotel, but much more good. This includes delicious food, a good selection of wines in the restaurant, and pleasant service. Everything worked in our room, and the doors and the balcony opened and closed, the air conditioner was air-conditioned, and every time after cleaning the room we found 2 full bottles of drinking water in the right place in the bathroom. I want to note that the set of toiletries in the room included not only shampoo and shower gel, but also cotton buds! For the convenience of the guests in the closet, I found bathrobes and disposable slippers. Do not be afraid to live on the outskirts, this has both disadvantages and advantages, it is not so crowded and calm.
The breakfasts were delicious and varied. I was very impressed how the Panwa Beach Resort fried the traditional omelette for breakfast of all hotels in the world. No, here it was not thrown up and turned over in flight, as is customary in Egypt, here a “sausage” was rolled from an omelet, inside of which they put cheese. Nothing complicated, but interesting. The chefs of the hotel manage to cope with the task perfectly, to please the tastes of both Europeans and Asians, and the tastes, according to my observations, are diametrically opposed.
The Similan tour turned out to be a pleasant and exciting trip, but we made the mistake of going on the second day, as a result, despite creams and other safety measures, both my girlfriend and I were thoroughly burned in the sun. Prepare in advance! Also loved the national wildlife sanctuary! We took everything from a local company at very loyal prices and good conditions. Thanks Anna for organizing!
We believe that in the middle and end of winter this place is much better suited for a beach holiday than the famous North African and Middle Eastern resorts. We had a great rest and everything that we planned was a success!