Village Royale Resort 2*– Reviews

Rating 3.710
based on
6 reviews
№31 in the hotel rating North Goa
5.0 Rooms
5.5 Service
5.5 Cleanliness
6.5 Food
5.5 Amenities
The hotel is located in the city of Calangute, surrounded by emerald forests and high mountains. The nearest beach is 2 kilometers away. The hotel was built in 2004, the last renovation was carried out in 2012.More →
аватар lebedev-a-s
 •  traveled 7 years ago
Rating 2.0
We were in Goa for the third time and consciously chose an inexpensive hotel, read the reviews and were ready for the fact that it was not very good there, but that we could not even imagine to such an extent. If you are going to India for the first time DON'T EVEN THINK OF STAYING HERE!! ! This hotel will ruin your holiday and you will never want to return to this beautiful country. … More ▾ We were in Goa for the third time and consciously chose an inexpensive hotel, read the reviews and were ready for the fact that it was not very good there, but that we could not even imagine to such an extent. If you are going to India for the first time DON'T EVEN THINK OF STAYING HERE!! ! This hotel will ruin your holiday and you will never want to return to this beautiful country. It is VERY FAR from the beach and if you are afraid to ride a bike, then every trip to the ocean in the heat will be a test. The rooms do not have a refrigerator, no kettle, no TV, no normal table. In the bathroom, everything is kept on parole. Everything in the room is old. Be sure to bring your own linen (something that is simply beyond description - gray, stained, even with holes). We bought two large sheets for 300 rupees at the market in Anjuna. It works on Wednesdays, the price must immediately be lowered no less than 4 times. Breakfast - coffee and 2 toasts, but even that can wait half an hour. But the worst thing is our compatriots!!! ! The hotel is big, there are a lot of people and there will always be cattle that will drink and yell all night. All surrounding dogs will react to their cries and raise such a bark that it is impossible to fall asleep even in earplugs. The hotel administration does not stop this in any way, the police also believe that if people sing loudly all night, then this is normal. In short, if you are in India for the first time, if you have children with you or you are an elderly person, choose another hotel.
If you are an experienced traveler and ready for anything, you can live here. We took a bike and the location of the hotel did not matter. We had an electric frying pan with us, so there were no problems with food either. We went to the market, took a bag of different vegetables (about 60-70 rupees), fish like our mackerel (3-4 fish for 100 rupees), eggs (38 rupees a dozen), various fruits. The two of us ate 200 rupees a day and were not hungry. We also had a boiler, but an electric kettle without a spiral is better - then it will be possible to boil shrimp in it (400-500 rupees is a big pile). We rarely even spent the night at the hotel, as we traveled a lot around Karnataka. We recommend Hampi to everyone!! ! And it is also very interesting in Udupi. I will not describe, there is a lot of information on the Internet, I will only say that the impressions are unforgettable.
We love India very much and will definitely come again, but definitely in a different hotel. I think that it is necessary to choose a small one in order to know all the neighbors. then there are more chances to sleep at night, and if someone is rowdy, then it is easier to figure them out and figure it out.
 •  traveled 10 years ago
Rating 5.0
The hotel is quite decent. Yes, this is not Europe and not Turkey! in the first minutes I was ready to run to look for another hotel, but at the end of the day I realized that everything was great! Our room had a TV, AC and a fridge, which is rare in this hotel! We took a room with an air conditioner in advance, but we didn’t think that a TV set and a refrigerator were a bonus, our neighbors said that we had a Suite. … More ▾ The hotel is quite decent. Yes, this is not Europe and not Turkey! in the first minutes I was ready to run to look for another hotel, but at the end of the day I realized that everything was great! Our room had a TV, AC and a fridge, which is rare in this hotel! We took a room with an air conditioner in advance, but we didn’t think that a TV set and a refrigerator were a bonus, our neighbors said that we had a Suite. Of course, they have a problem with changing underwear, exactly once a week and don’t show off! There are no complaints about cleaning at all, I left the key to them and said it should be cleaned, everything arrived super! Yes, of course, breakfasts are toasts, but they cook very tasty, you can dine at the hotel. Entertainment every day. And a lot of Russians! Stupid to write about the hotel, how far from the beach. Calangute is the worst beach with a lot of locals! It is better to visit different beaches that are different from each other! The hotel is wonderfully located, does not smell of spices, not noisy. This hotel is like a small town. I would return!
Review from —
 •  traveled 11 years ago
Rating 3.0
Those who are looking for luxury are not here. Those who are looking for negativity will find it in everything =) This is India =) I really liked it v=i7qO1zSm5dY … More ▾ Those who are looking for luxury are not here. Those who are looking for negativity will find it in everything =) This is India =) I really liked it v=i7qO1zSm5dY
Review from —
аватар csm70j6v
 •  traveled 12 years ago
Rating 6.0
Of the minuses. Unfortunate location, walk to the sea about 30-40 minutes. Everywhere by taxi or moped. From the pros. Very nice staff, there are few Russians, they have not yet been spoiled apparently. Friendly, always smiling. We got to the holiday of colors "Holi", they painted us from the heart Themselves offer to change bed linen (a rarity for such hotels). … More ▾ Of the minuses. Unfortunate location, walk to the sea about 30-40 minutes. Everywhere by taxi or moped.
From the pros. Very nice staff, there are few Russians, they have not yet been spoiled apparently. Friendly, always smiling. We got to the holiday of colors "Holi", they painted us from the heart
Themselves offer to change bed linen (a rarity for such hotels). Very tasty and inexpensive in the hotel restaurant, there is live music in the evenings. The water was always hot, there are water heaters in each room. There are shops on the territory, 2 swimming pools, the territory is very pleasant, a lot of greenery, bright colored houses. Already 4 times, there was something to compare)
аватар for_luda
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 5.0
Before starting a review about the hotel, I’ll say right away that this is India, and expecting something ordinary from an Indian 2 * is stupid to say the least; ) The main thing here is India with all its charms and shortcomings, and you need to give an account where you are going and for what purpose. There is no fashionable rest here, here at 7 o'clock work is already in full swing and it's time to go to the market. … More ▾ Before starting a review about the hotel, I’ll say right away that this is India, and expecting something ordinary from an Indian 2 * is stupid to say the least; ) The main thing here is India with all its charms and shortcomings, and you need to give an account where you are going and for what purpose. There is no fashionable rest here, here at 7 o'clock work is already in full swing and it's time to go to the market.
Now about the hotel. Location: Calangute, about 50 km to the airport (1 hour drive), about 2 km to the beach, walk 15-20 minutes (you don’t really want to in the heat), so we spent the sun with fresh juice in sheke (this is according to the local cafes with which the whole beach), which was not considered a disadvantage. We met the sunset there and went home; )
Beach: from the main road we went to the left (not towards the Buggy) there are much fewer people, the sunbeds are free if you order something in sheke (it’s better to clarify before going to bed, because then they can cleverly add it to the bill). We always stopped in Alonisha's neck. I warn you, get used to the fact that they will constantly offer you something, either any bullshit like bracelets (everything is much cheaper in the markets), or massage (poured with oil and wipe their hands on you; ) the only thing they are good at this is a henna tattoo (henna tattoo) within 250 rupees per arm to the elbow. Fresh juices in cafes are the most expensive - 100-120 rupees, but say that they are not diluted with water.
Meals: breakfast, 2-3 toasts, 2 jams, coffee, tea or milk in unlimited quantities. Who took breakfast + dinner, I’ll say this for dinner, they give a coupon for 175 rupees (a little more than 3 dollars), so you can immediately calculate yourself cheaper take in the package or pay locally. If you order more, just pay the difference. Dinner at the hotel is pretty good, especially sisler, and beef or chicken in garlic sauce (only repeat NOT SPICY 5 times, otherwise it will be very peppery), very tasty tortillas with cheese and chasn. In general, when you set foot on Indian soil, remember a few saving words: namaste - good afternoon, pliz notes spicy, please do not pepper (very useful, repeated 5 times; ), shukriya, thank you. Everything is accompanied by a smile, and in general, when you return after India, our people will you seem unusually gloomy and angry.
Rooms: Fairly clean. The furniture is old (friends, this is India!; )) 2x bed, bedside table, TV, wardrobe, table, balcony with chairs and a table. The walls are whitewashed, the windows have wooden shutters. No air conditioning, ceiling fan, adjustable speed. Shower joint with toilet, everything is tiled. In India, a shower is not like we have a pallet and all that, they don’t bother there, just a tiled floor that has a drain, this is typical for the whole of India, so you shouldn’t be surprised here, this is not the specifics of the hotel, but the country in general; ). in principle, it cannot be white because there is an admixture of something in Indian water (I don’t remember already) and it always has yellowness, even in 4 stars, so this is not a hotel oversight, but the specificity of water.
The hotel itself consists of several 3-4 storey buildings which are named by letters and differ in colors. There is a small pool with umbrellas and sunbeds and towels.
There is no Wi-Fi, if you really need it, that is, in cafes on the way to the beach, there is a safe at the reception (paid).
Actually the hotel itself is not bad, located in a quiet place, but getting to the beach is a hassle. There is a bus, but it doesn't seem to run very well. There is only one way out, to rent a motorbike or motorcycle (about 3x) dollars per day. And this is the most popular transport there, it is given without documents and without collateral; ). Yes, I have not yet forgotten an essential gadget in India - a flashlight !!! ! Who was he will understand, who is the 1st time, be sure to take it.
It is not far from the hotel to go to the bus stop, you can get to the capital of the state of Goa, Panaji, or to the market on Wednesdays for 10 rupees (1dol-50 rupees), or to the market on Wednesdays (although it is much easier but more expensive by tuk-tuk or the so-called rickshaw). There are many markets , there you can buy everything from carpets for $ 20 using the patchwork technique, bloomers for $ 2-3, sundresses for $ 3-4, disigvel T-shirts for $ 4 and all sorts of designer things (although you need to look for them). I will describe everything in detail in the next review about India.
Bottom line: having paid $ 500 for 12 days with air travel and a visa, there are no complaints, even on the tedious road to the beach. I want to say that after this vacation I went to India for 1.5 months as a savage, but this is a completely different India and a different story.
Главное не отель а настрой;) Отель Отель Гоа это рай))) Ночной рынок Ананас всего за 1 дол Тростниковый сок
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 1.0
This hotel is not suitable even for throwing things there, not to mention the rest in the hotel itself. Let me explain why: 1. Extremely bad location. The hotel is not located in the city at all, but in a village near the city. From the hotel to the nearest town of Calangute and to the beach - not 1 km, as they say, but more than 2 km. … More ▾ This hotel is not suitable even for throwing things there, not to mention the rest in the hotel itself. Let me explain why: 1. Extremely bad location. The hotel is not located in the city at all, but in a village near the city. From the hotel to the nearest town of Calangute and to the beach - not 1 km, as they say, but more than 2 km. Walking to the beach in the heat is not realistic. The free bus to the beach runs only 3 times a day. If by taxi, then for each trip to the beach you will be charged 150 rupees there and 150 rupees back, the price is fixed and they do not want to bargain. Why these extra expenses when Calangute is full of well-located hotels right next to the beach and at the same price? Any store or market is also far away, not within walking distance. That is, if you want to buy something from the products - then either buy from them at the bar, or all the same taxi to Calangute for 150 rupees. 2. Breakfast is tea, 2 crusts of bread, a piece of butter and jam in a tube. If you want an omelet, then pay for it. In general, you can not go to breakfast at all. 3. The contingent - half of the Indians and the second half are pensioners from different countries of Europe. Young people do not hang out there, everyone immediately dumps. They can be understood, because there is nothing to do in this hole at all. 4. In the room somewhere there is air conditioning, somewhere not - how lucky. 5. The safe is paid, and the price is called "from the bulldozer. " They charged me 1000 rupees. in 10 days. From someone they took 1100 for 2 weeks. 6. And what finally finished me off was that on the last day of rest, the night before departure, money was stolen from the wallet right from the room. Moreover, it seems that someone from the hotel staff stole the money (only they could know that I was leaving in the morning). There was not much money left, but the impression of the hotel was completely spoiled. How to leave things in such a hotel? ? Conclusion: the hotel is no good - neither for relaxation, nor even for leaving things there.
Review from —

avatar alexand
You have 500
12 years ago  •  2 subscribers 4 answers
Anjuna Flea Market
Rating 10.0
India, North Goa
Shopping, Streets, squares, viewpoints
Chapora beach
Rating 10.0
India, North Goa
Beaches, Nature

Отель расположен в городе Калангут, в окружении изумрудных лесов и высоких гор. Ближайший пляж находится в 2 километрах. Отель построен в 2004 году, последняя реновация проведена в 2012 году.

Location 6 км от автовокзала Мапусы. 8 км от форта Агуада.
Description of the beach Пляж Калангута в 2 км. Автобус на пляж ходит 4 раза в день. Пляж Баги в 4 км.
  • 3rd and beyond
  • city ​​beach
  • sand beach
In a hotel

В ресторане подают различные блюда индийской, китайской и гоанской кухни.

Камера хранения багажа, доставка еды и напитков в номер, магазины на территории.

  • restaurant
  • open pool
  • parking  FREE 
  • car rental
  • safe
  • free wi-fi
  • laundry
  • hairdresser/beauty salon
  • currency exchange
  • payment by payment cards
For kids
  • children's swimming pool
  • playground
Entertainment and sports Библиотека.
  • organization of excursions
Description of rooms

Всего в отеле 150 номеров.

In the rooms

Телевидение со спутниковыми каналами, кондиционер, сейф, телефон, ванная комната с душевой кабиной, феном и туалетными принадлежностями.

  • bath / shower
  • safe
  • fan
  • cable/satellite TV
  • phone
  • fridge
  • balcony/terrace
  • air conditioner (not in all rooms)
The address Near Dharwadkar Hospital, Dongorpur village, Calangute, Bardez, Goa, India - 403516.
Phones: 91 0832 2275118 / 91 0832 2275121
Какой пляж у отеля?
Отель располагается на 3-й пляжной линии или далее. Рядом с отелем находится городской песчаный пляж.
Какие развлечения есть в отеле?
В отеле присутствует организация экскурсий, упрощает выбор и дает советы специалист по туризму.
Какие возможности для детей есть в отеле?
Отель располагает детским бассейном с небольшой глубиной, детской площадкой с горкой и качелями.