Now about food! Breakfast. Normal buffet, but taking into account the peculiarities of Israel, there is no meat in the morning! A variety of vegetable products - fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, peppers, lettuce. Salted cucumbers, olives, olives. A variety of milk - yogurt, cottage cheese, and a lot of different products from milk, I have not tried it, I won’t even say the name. Eggs boiled. Omelette. Some kind of local product like a casserole. . .
Fish - cold smoked mackerel and salted herring. Assorted fruit compote. Apples, or pears, or oranges. Tea, coffee, milk. You can eat well and tasty! You can take food from the restaurant with you, I personally took a couple of apples... Foreigners poured water into their bottles, flasks! This is understandable, since water in Jerusalem is very expensive. Cheaper than 6 shekels for 1.5 liters I have not seen, but a bowl of 10-12 shekels (100-120 rubles).
Dinner. This is a holiday! Fried potatoes! Fish in batter, Fried chicken. Meat beef stew is just a song! ! Lots of salads, you won't go hungry! I can say that the hotel almost did not have dinner. We ate in the city, since it is difficult to calculate the time of arrival at the hotel, and dinner time is limited to 20-30 local time.
The room is clean, but I can not say that the renovation was just done! Linen is changed once a week, rooms are cleaned daily.
LCD TV in the room with Russian channels. Channel 9 in Russian, an interesting program in the morning, somewhat similar to Russian morning programs! The room has air conditioning, but we did not use it, the weather was quite normal at night + 8 + 10, in the daytime + 18 + 25.
Balcony overlooking the city... Our window was to the South on Herzl Street. The hotel has a pool and spa, we did not use it, but many went. We just didn't have the energy and time! They chose a too rich program for themselves.
For 9 nights they took $ 1100. Well, that seems to be all about this pleasant and comfortable hotel! I recommend if you do not want to pay cheap and get a decent service!