Forel 2*– Reviews

Rating 4.510
based on
2 reviews
3.0 Rooms
3.0 Service
7.0 Cleanliness
5.0 Food
5.0 Amenities
The health-improving complex "Trout" is located on the picturesque outskirts of the village of Zhdeniyevo, Volovets district, Transcarpathian region. Skiing area: 50 m from the base there is a cable car and towing road (length of the route is 700 m, height difference is 137 m). The five-storey dormitory building includes 27 rooms. The 4th floor is completely reconstructed (European-quality renovation) and has 7 luxury apartments. Skis and equipment are available at the rental office. Vacationers are offered treatment rooms, inhalations, massage. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, mineral water is used, which comes from a natural source. Tourists are offered walking routes, hikes and excursions around Zhdeniev, to Mount Zbyn, to the Pashkovets pond, to Mount Pikuy (1405 m), to the High Stone. Bus excursions are offered to the Shipot waterfall and Synevyr lake, to the Veretsky pass, to the resorts of the region and others.More →
аватар Krysik
 •  traveled 16 years ago
Rating 6.0
The trouble started from the administrator's office. Preliminarily, the conditions of the settlement were agreed by phone, the bill was paid. But on arrival it turned out that they do not want to accommodate us with a child in a suite "they have no extra bed where to get. " But they offered to rent an additional empty junior suite for quite decent money. … More ▾ The trouble started from the administrator's office. Preliminarily, the conditions of the settlement were agreed by phone, the bill was paid. But on arrival it turned out that they do not want to accommodate us with a child in a suite "they have no extra bed where to get. " But they offered to rent an additional empty junior suite for quite decent money. The husband found the bed and brought it himself. Settled. . . And then: the ski slope does not work for three years, food - a scoop, the toilet is leaking, mold on the walls, cleaned the room once a week, excursions, normal food and skiing organized themselves. But nature, air and water are like in paradise.
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аватар Sergey123
 •  traveled 16 years ago
Rating 3.0
The location of the hotel is great, but the food and staff are terrible (rating "-1". We went to eat in neighboring boarding houses. Rooms depending on the floor and how long you want to stay in them. We got a pretty good room (two rooms, a refrigerator, a WORKING shower, a toilet), and whoever came with us (paid the same) in the shower all the taps flowed, I’m generally silent about the refrigerator. … More ▾ The location of the hotel is great, but the food and staff are terrible (rating "-1". We went to eat in neighboring boarding houses.
Rooms depending on the floor and how long you want to stay in them. We got a pretty good room (two rooms, a refrigerator, a WORKING shower, a toilet), and whoever came with us (paid the same) in the shower all the taps flowed, I’m generally silent about the refrigerator.

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Лечебно-оздоровительный комплекс "Форель" расположен на живописной окраине села Ждениево, Воловецкий р-н, Закарпатской области.
Область катания: в 50 м от базы канатно-буксировочная дорога (длина трассы 700 м, перепад высоты 137 м).
Пятиэтажный спальный корпус включает 27 номеров.
4-й этаж полностью реконструирован (евроремонт) и имеет 7 люкс-аппартаментов.

Лыжи и снаряжение имеются в пункте проката.

Отдыхающим предлагаются лечебные кабинеты, ингаляции, массаж. В лечебно-профилактических целях используется минеральная вода, которая поступает из природного источника.

Туристам предлагаются прогулочные маршруты, походы и экскурсии по Ждениеву, на гору Збын, к пруду Пашковец, на гору Пикуй (1405 м), на Высокий Камень.
Предлагаются автобусные экскурсии на водопад Шипот и Синевирское озеро, на Верецкий перевал, по курортам края и другие.

In a hotel

Столовая, кафе-бар, сауна с открытым бассейном, бильярд,настольный теннис, спортивные площадки, игровая детская площадка,дискотека,платная автостоянка, речной пляж.
Зимой - прокат горнолыжного снаряжения,услуги инструктора по горнолыжному спорту.

The address с. Жденево Воловецкого р-на, ул.Шевченко, 249;
Phones: +38 (03136) 2-55-32
+38 (03136) 2-55-31
+38 (050) 432-1880