Club El Beril 3*– Reviews

Rating 9.010
based on
7 reviews
№5 in the hotel rating Tenerife
Club El Beril is located in a quiet and respectable area of ​​the Las Americas resort, on the first line of the ocean, right next to the best beach in the south of Tenerife, Playa del Duque. This cozy aparthotel consists of individual small bungalows, built in the style of a traditional Canarian village, surrounded by subtropical greenery. The club has two swimming pools, a jacuzzi, three restaurants (including a famous French restaurant on the island), two bars.More →
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 9.0
We rested in Tenerife with the Alfa travel agency, the city of Nizhny Novgorod. To be honest, my wife and I really enjoyed our stay. Tenerife is a great place. With excursions, we traveled all the sights of the island: Siam Park, the pirate gorge Mask, the Teide volcano, Loro Park (especially the show with dolphins, fur seals and other marine life - just super), rode a pirate ship in the ocean, visited Las Americas and Santa Cruz for shopping. … More ▾ We rested in Tenerife with the Alfa travel agency, the city of Nizhny Novgorod. To be honest, my wife and I really enjoyed our stay. Tenerife is a great place. With excursions, we traveled all the sights of the island: Siam Park, the pirate gorge Mask, the Teide volcano, Loro Park (especially the show with dolphins, fur seals and other marine life - just super), rode a pirate ship in the ocean, visited Las Americas and Santa Cruz for shopping. The locals are very hospitable. Tourists are always welcome. Very pleased with the local "Canarian" cuisine. And especially real Spanish mojitos! This is not the burda that is served in our bars. The hotel is nice, clean, comfortable. It's called El Beryl. Our apartment had a great view of the ocean. In general, everything was even a little better than we expected. The only unpleasant moment was the queue on the mini-golf course, although the animation was small and not very interesting for our taste. The hotel rented a car to entertain themselves in the evenings. Our return flight was also delayed for several hours, we had to sit at the airport. Since we took the tickets ourselves, even here we cannot make any claims at the Alfa travel agency. So thanks. You really know your business.
Review from —
Our whole family would like to say a big thank you to the Alfa travel agency for giving us the opportunity to visit the island of Tenerife. We stayed for exactly 2 weeks. We stayed at the El Beril Hotel. We ate mainly in restaurants: tasty and inexpensive. Sometimes, of course, they cooked themselves, in this case, the apartments have a kitchen. … More ▾ Our whole family would like to say a big thank you to the Alfa travel agency for giving us the opportunity to visit the island of Tenerife. We stayed for exactly 2 weeks. We stayed at the El Beril Hotel. We ate mainly in restaurants: tasty and inexpensive. Sometimes, of course, they cooked themselves, in this case, the apartments have a kitchen. The rooms are exactly as we were told in the Alfa travel agency. The hotel has swimming pools for both children and adults. Not far from the hotel entertainment activities such as an amusement park and others. There was a personal guide who accompanied us. He also meets at the airport and sees off. Excursions were taken only to Lorro Park and Siam Park. They took the children to watch, but they were in Siam Park three times, the children really liked it there, it was impossible to drag it by the ears. The only drawback of the trip was our acquaintance with the Alfa travel agency, back in Yekaterinburg. Painfully, we were worried that the rest will not go well. Just stumbled across some not-so-favorable reviews. Of course, the managers of the Alfa travel agency reassured us, but we were still worried, and everyone was waiting for a catch, they say, and a friend will deceive us. There are plenty of good reviews though. So thanks to the Alpha travel agency for our unforgettable vacation.
Review from —
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 9.0
Hello, we rested on the island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. The island is extraordinary. My wife and I went on vacation at the end of autumn. We were invited to a presentation at the Alfa travel agency office. At the presentation, we were told about the rest, special attention was paid to the Canary Islands. … More ▾ Hello, we rested on the island of Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. The island is extraordinary. My wife and I went on vacation at the end of autumn. We were invited to a presentation at the Alfa travel agency office. At the presentation, we were told about the rest, special attention was paid to the Canary Islands. The hotel we liked was EL BERIL. The contract was concluded immediately, and the money was deposited. And then a very interesting moment happened. My wife came home from work upset. As it turned out, she decided to read what they write on the Internet about the Alfa travel agency and came across not very positive reviews. Of course, we immediately called the Alpha office and asked for an explanation, but the manager reassured us, saying that they had not had such negative cases. My wife and I calmed down, and began to wait for departure on vacation. The hotel was of course very good. They put us in apartments. The kitchen has everything you need, everything is inside, as you saw in the photos in the Alfa travel agency. To the sea honestly walk a couple of minutes, the beach at the hotel is private. There are car rentals. We took several excursions, to Siam Park, and Lorro Park. After a two-week vacation, I really did not want to go back to St. Petersburg. As soon as we arrived, we decided to immediately sign a contract for the future, this time we will go to Thailand.
Review from —
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 9.0
Damn, I feel like a schoolboy who writes an essay on the topic "How I spent my summer. " So, my wife and I fulfilled our old dream and went to the Canary Islands, choosing from their variety the most unique - Tenerife. Why do I say unique? I am referring to what struck me most about this island, to what makes it possible to call it "an island with two faces. … More ▾ Damn, I feel like a schoolboy who writes an essay on the topic "How I spent my summer. " So, my wife and I fulfilled our old dream and went to the Canary Islands, choosing from their variety the most unique - Tenerife. Why do I say unique? I am referring to what struck me most about this island, to what makes it possible to call it "an island with two faces. " We went there in the spring. Initially, they planned a banal Egypt, but a month before the vacation they met advertisers from the Alfa Tour Operators Network, as it turned out, successfully. We were then given invitations to a presentation about the rest and we went, fell for the promised free webcam. There we first saw the hotel EL BERIL. We were so delighted with such a find that we immediately signed a contract for the trip and made an almost full-sized deposit. Here began a slippery moment. My wife returned from work the next day in tears. The fact is that he and his colleague discussed the acquisition and decided to search the network for reviews about the Alfa travel agency. They came across several forums that described our travel agency as a dinosaur, a product of MMM from the 90s. Of course, I immediately rushed to the lawyers at work to terminate the contract. The head of the legal department, Max, reassured me, said that he himself had been traveling with the Alfa travel agency 2 times a year for 2 years and was very pleased. Of course, I reassured my wife, and we flew on the appointed date. Our hotel is just a fairy tale. We lived in a 2-bed studio - a separate house in the local aboriginal style with a cool kitchen, where there was even a dishwasher. The beach is 20 meters from the exit. There is a rental of everything your heart desires, from a bicycle to a yacht. I will not write about the sights of Las Americas - there are already tons of information and enthusiasm about them. To be honest, it has never been so hard for me to return to Yekaterinburg. Now I dream of a new vacation. I want to go to Thailand, I already found out everything about him, I even dream about him.
Review from —
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 9.0
Club El Beril is located in the town of La Caleta, on the first coastline. This place is part of the largest and most developed tourist center on the island of Tenerife - the city of Las Americas. We were advised this hotel in the office of the Tour Operator Alfa. We were invited there for a presentation, and somehow persuaded to go. … More ▾ Club El Beril is located in the town of La Caleta, on the first coastline. This place is part of the largest and most developed tourist center on the island of Tenerife - the city of Las Americas. We were advised this hotel in the office of the Tour Operator Alfa. We were invited there for a presentation, and somehow persuaded to go. They know how to talk beautifully, though everything they say is true. The hotel offers guests a whole cascade of swimming pools, jacuzzi, children's pool. They even have their own spa on site! The room was as expected. The bedroom, the living room, the bathroom is normal, not a shower, the bathroom has a hairdryer, as well as bath accessories and bathrobes. And of course the kitchen, there was even a washing machine in the kitchen. Each apartment has a terrace with a beautiful view of the ocean and the neighboring island. Generally had a great time. We went on many excursions. We were accompanied everywhere by our own well-trained guide. So, in addition to a sightseeing tour of the island, we were on the island of La Gomera, in the jung park, and saw the Teide volcano. And Loro Park, of course. . As a result, I really did not want to return back to Nizhny Novgorod. Thanks to Alpha travel agency for our great vacation.
Review from —
 •  traveled 13 years ago
Rating 9.0
As we came back from vacation to Nizhny Novgorod, I immediately decided to leave a review, because valuable information has accumulated hoo! There are pluses and minuses. Well, about everything in order. Cons: 1. Alfa-travel has a very non-standard approach to finding customers, promoters come to the shopping center and, like gypsies, do not let go. … More ▾ As we came back from vacation to Nizhny Novgorod, I immediately decided to leave a review, because valuable information has accumulated hoo! There are pluses and minuses. Well, about everything in order. Cons: 1. Alfa-travel has a very non-standard approach to finding customers, promoters come to the shopping center and, like gypsies, do not let go. 2. They are invited to a boring, forced presentation, where they are brainwashed for a long time and diligently about how good they are and how great they are that they work according to quality standards. 3. The food in the hotel is not so hot, it is better to cook for the family ourselves (my wife and I tried in turn), especially for my capricious children (fortunately there is a kitchen and a dining table in the room. ) Now the pros: 1. Since the tour chose and partially paid in advance, there was no this annual hype before the holidays like “or maybe there, or maybe here” and “nowhere is what I / my wife want”. 2. I read everything on the network about the resort in advance and knew well where I was going for the holidays, and even a personal guide was put on the spot, he also told about everything, coordinated everything as it should. 3. The El Beryl resort itself consists of small houses with several rooms. . It is quiet and calm there, there are no violent youth, which is very important when you travel with children. 4. There is a huge amount of greenery around (the wife drags herself from this). 5. Very, very clean - we are talking about the sea and air and about everything else. Of course, you can’t write about everything like that, but in general, I think the picture is clear. Summing up: the Alfa travel agency, despite its strange approach to marketing, fulfilled its promises, the vacation really turned out to be family-friendly and enjoyable. I chose the resort very well. I was really nervous that the bar was far away, but my wife, on the contrary, was pleased. We avoided the hassle and excitement in the last working days. I like it.
Review from —
 •  traveled 14 years ago
Rating 9.0
My husband and I were on vacation this year in the famous Tenerife. According to our plan, we were supposed to visit all the islands of the Canary archipelago. But we didn't have enough time for everything. It took us quite a long time to buy our tour, my husband attended some presentation at the Alfa travel agency, after which he persuaded me to go to the Canary Islands for a couple of days. … More ▾ My husband and I were on vacation this year in the famous Tenerife. According to our plan, we were supposed to visit all the islands of the Canary archipelago. But we didn't have enough time for everything. It took us quite a long time to buy our tour, my husband attended some presentation at the Alfa travel agency, after which he persuaded me to go to the Canary Islands for a couple of days. I can’t say that it took so long to persuade me, but I didn’t really want to attend the presentation. As a result, I gave in to my husband's persuasion and we went to the office of the Alfa travel agency, where he had already been and where he liked everything so much. We were told for a very long time about the Canary Islands, we found out for a long time what resorts and what hotels are available. And after three hours of conversations and stories, we still got the long-awaited vouchers. The flight was normal and the hotel was also good. As a result of our vacation, we managed to visit, respectively, Tenerife itself, as well as the island of La Gomera. That's actually about La Gomera, I'm going to tell you. This island has practically not been touched by civilization, it's great that excursions are organized there. We went there by ferry, not long to go less than an hour. There are no special entertainments on the island, but there is amazing nature. We visited the fabulous forests of Laurosilva and the Garajonay National Park. By the way, this is the island where Christopher Columbus made his last stop before his first voyage to the New World. We were told about this on the island three times already, apparently the locals really like this fact. And at the end of the whole tour, we tasted amazing Homeric food in a cozy restaurant in the capital of the island, San Sebastian. The food is somewhat different from Tenerife, but I am not a special culinary specialist to tell you the special mysteries of their masterpieces. When we got back to our hotel, I was even a little sad that our tour had passed so quickly. Next time, of course, I plan to visit other islands, and in general I am considering a stop on this island. City of Nizhny Novgorod.
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I want to go on New Year's Eve
12 years ago  •  1 subscriber no answers
Loro Park
Rating 9.6
Spain, Tenerife
Entertainment, Leisure, Nature
Siam Park
Rating 10.0
Spain, Tenerife
Entertainment, Leisure

Клуб El Beril расположен в спокойном и респектабельном районе курорта Лас Америкас, на первой линии океана, непосредственно у лучшего пляжа юга Тенерифе Playa del Duque.
Уютный апартотель состоит из отдельных небольших бунгало, построенных в стиле традиционной канарской деревни, окруженных субтропической зеленью. На территории клуба есть два бассейна, джакузи, три ресторана (в т.ч. известный на острове французский ресторан), два бара.

In a hotel

Лежаки и зонты у бассейна, Вечерние шоу, Игровые автоматы, Бильярд, Настольный теннис, Массаж, Дневная анимация, Экскурсии, Няня, Прокат видеокассет, Детская площадка, Джакузи, Библиотека, Прачечная

Description of rooms

Клуб El Beril располагает тремя типами апартаментов: однокомнатными студио, апартаментами с гостиной комнатной и одной или двумя спальнями.
Есть двухэтажные апартаменты и оборудованные ванной с гидромассажем.

In the rooms

Ванная комната с феном, Оборудованная кухня, Видеомагнитофон, Телевизор, Телефон, Сейф Платная услуга, Терраса, Стиральная машина, Уборка – 5 раз в неделю

The address C. el Beril, 7, 38670 Costa Adeje, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Испания