Standard room without balcony.

Written: 3 january 2009
Travel time: 1 — 7 december 2008
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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We visited Las Palomas in December 2008. The entire impression of the hotel was spoiled by the room, which did not have a balcony, moreover, the window overlooked the wall. The room was on the second floor (theoretically). It is actually a basement floor overlooking the wall and pipes. On our request to change the room, it was categorically stated that our tour package indicated the standard, and the standard rooms do not have a balcony, and an additional fee of 10 euros per day is required for the balcony. We turned to our representative from the Nali Tours company, but she also began to “push” us that in Spain the rooms are standard without a balcony. By the way, this is not the first time we have been in Spain and we understood that this is nonsense. Probably Maria is the representative of Natalie Tours, along with the hotel administration. So, dear fellow citizens, when buying a ticket to this hotel, demand that it has a balcony. Everything else is fine, except for the fact that on the last day of our stay at the hotel, the maid did not lock our room after cleaning. I wish you all good luck!
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