Terrible hotel

Written: 16 november 2007
Travel time: 19 — 26 november 2007
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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This is not the first time in Egypt, I was in Hurghada, Sharm in hotels 4-5 * This one is the worst, it does not reach 4 * There are no towels in the room, in the best case for a 2-bed room - 2 large + 1 for legs, sometimes one for two a towel is not an exception, but the norm, they are simply not enough. If you are lucky enough to take a beach towel, then don’t give it to the end. There are not enough sunbeds, people lie on towels on the sand, however, sunbeds were brought in at the end, but this did not completely correct the situation.
2 restaurants with the same food, there is a queue in the restaurant, they don’t have time to clean the tables, the spoons of the fork need to be wiped before eating, the food is disgusting with a very poor assortment, you need to stand in a separate queue for lunch and dinner for drinks. Tea and coffee in the restaurant only for breakfast, on ice and dinner you can drink beer, disgusting wine, cola and yupi (proudly called juice) and if you want sweet tea you need to go to the bar and bring yourself tea to the restaurant, you can’t take sweets to the bar . The restaurant "Oasis" is worse - there is nowhere to bring tea. Sweet selection is disgusting. Whoever visits this hotel will never believe the story about the chic sweets of Egyptian hotels.
fruits are given only for dinner, one kind, they take out in small plates, I think not everyone can notice that there were fruits. Ice cream was given 1 time, 25g per waffle cone, one per hand. The territory is small, there is nowhere to go within a radius of 30 km, there are no hotels and shops. the hotel has 4 shops with terrible souvenirs, a bank that does not work, and a closed internet cafe.

Advantage: located near the border of Israel and Jordan, you can go on excursions.
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