A very decent hotel

Written: 1 october 2007
Travel time: 3 — 10 september 2007
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
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A very decent hotel. The entrance to the sea from the shore, sandy, rakishchen (which they are very proud of). There are coral reefs nearby, you can walk with your legs, or you can swim to more distant ones. Lots of different fish. You swim among them, they look at you in a mask. At low tide, you can see all sorts of exotic things: outlandish shells, starfish, not to mention all sorts of hedgehogs...
Until July 2007, Russian was not spoken there. The attitude towards Russians is very good, and they settle well. $ 20, of course, can provide a sea view, but we did not pay extra, and the room was still good, with a good view. Anyway, there was no time to look at this view, it gets dark early.
It's already dark at six. The staff is polite and unobtrusive, but will be grateful if you leave a dollar in the room for cleaning. And they really like it when you talk to them. Both the security guards and the staff are learning Russian, all the time they ask how to say how it is, they will write it down in a notebook in order to learn it.
The food is good, quite varied for Egypt, and, as everywhere in Egi, there are not enough fruits.
In general, it's quiet there.
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