
Written: 5 december 2007
Travel time: 6 — 13 november 2007
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from 10
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To above, i. e. Below, I will add a number of interesting things.
1. mosquitoes…. . in blah mosquitoes in the shinai. slept with a towel ready for battle. True, with an open balcony, as long as it’s fresh and it’s stupid to breathe with an air conditioner. So, who will go, think about fumitox.
2. We were replaced with 1.5 liters of smirnov with a pump, pouring diluted alcohol into it !! ! And while the girls were enlightened in Jerusalem, they drank or poured half a bubble of Belis!
3. stole a leather cosmetic bag.
4. rummage through things.
5. you can’t imagine cleaning worse, I drew faces on the dust for them x . . / put the bucks don’t put it /
no difference
6. for two weeks, sugar in the bowl was mixed with a teaspoon 4 times / not joking /
7. rotten tomatoes constantly came up. 5 stars cool
8. Pegasus was very disappointing, you cause interest only when ordering additional trips for grandmas.

Well, on the little things. flies / for. e /, flying cockroaches / cool /. constantly falling buses / never managed to roll up to Cairo. Maybe someone heard the bus fell on 11/26/07 / well, and a lot of other interesting things, I’ll start writing, you won’t believe it . But the territory is good here, you can’t take away the sea, fish, corals, turtles. Conclusion apparently it is necessary to go not all inclusive, or not be Russians or Ukrainians.
Translated automatically from Russian. View original