Kariya tour and Anex - do not mess

I just want to say briefly about these companies (lowering the mats) just freaks!!!
We flew by Kariya-Tour to Egypt, got tickets in Boryspil. We immediately noticed an error in the date of one of the vacationers (for the return flight). The representative of Kariya immediately corrected everything by hand and said there would be no problems....
Upon arrival in Egypt, no tour operator met us at all, then it turned out that the annex tour and not Kariya still meets us. They immediately took the voucher, although how many flew - the voucher remains one copy in the hands of the tourist.
Upon departure - again, no one saw us off at the airport, neither the annex nor the Kariya company. And then it all started - they simply didn’t let us out at the airport: the ticket (previously corrected by the representative of Kariya tour for a different date) turned out to be, as the Egyptians said, not valid, it was not a ticket that sounded from them. Not a single representative of tour operators was at the airport ! ! !! ! The Egyptians simply shrugged and said the catchphrase - we do not understand !!! ! It was not possible to contact the Kiev representative office - just no one answered the phone !!!! . There were only a few minutes left before departure, as a result, our nerves were at the limit, just a scandal was raised. We
we got so nervous, 20 minutes before landing we were let through pretty frayed nerves. The entire airport was raised from the police to the rest of the employees. The representative of the tour operator never showed up. And what is the end result??? ? the rest was just instantly forgotten by this crazy hassle. Naturally, no one will return the spent nerves and time! What can then be said about the Kariya company and Anex, which has already bought it out - a complete lack of respect and attentiveness to tourists, there is only a negligent attitude towards the work of travel agents. Naturally, after such a trip, we tried to do everything so that the company Kariya - Anex received the best advertising and reviews on the tourist product market !!!
Dear tourists, in no case do not contact the tour operators of Kariya-Anex !!! !