Calm rest

Written: 2 december 2007
Travel time: 3 — 10 november 2007
Who does the author recommend the hotel to?: For a relaxing holiday
Your rating of this hotel:
from 10
Hotel ratings by criteria:
Rooms: 8.0
Service: 10.0
Cleanliness: 10.0
Food: 9.0
Amenities: 9.0
Spent 7 days at the hotel.

The operator "Mostravel" organized a decent transfer, excellent buses, everything is clear, without a hitch.

At the reception, we spent 10 minutes on the strength, got the keys to the room (they didn’t give baksheesh) and the porter at the disposal (brought our multi-ton suitcase, smiling and joking, immediately left). They did not change the number, everything suited us. The porter was already caught up at the reception to hand over a dollar, he was very embarrassed, but he was glad. Begging for tips among the staff is not accepted, whether porters or waiters. But if you give, a person will remember you, will always smile and help.

The staff all speak English with a Russian accent, so it's easy to communicate with them. They also know the basic words in Russian, German and Italian. Body language has always come to the rescue: employees will try to understand you, especially if you talk to them kindly and calmly.

From the first day, cold water flowed from the shower and the lock on the window handle was broken, it did not lock. We came to the reception, explained that we "need help", after an hour everything was fixed. By the way, even cleaners and maids, meeting you in the corridor, will definitely say the universal "hello".

Every morning, passing by the reception, they said "Good morning! ", They smiled at us, waved their hand. With the waiters, too, "hello" in Russian, always heard a greeting and "bon appetit" in Russian. The staff is courteous to Russians, which is lacking in many hotels on the coast.

The territory is pretty, but there is absolutely no place to sit in the non-solar time. There are 10 sofas in the lobby, and a few benches in not very well-lit places on the territory. It was inconvenient, because it gets dark at night already at 17-00. Everyone crowded in the hall, from this - din and the crowd.

During the day, a young man takes pictures of you on the territory of the hotel and asks you to pose. then in the lobby he will catch and bring him to the computer.
There are your photos. At your request, he will write "Egypt 2007" or your names in the Photoshop editor and sell this photo to you for 5 bucks. It does not go on discounts, so ask about the price in advance. If you like the photo. Ours were of such low quality that my soap dish does not work!

Rum-cola is the most popular drink in the hotel, as you can’t put local alcohol in your mouth separately, with the possible exception of beer, and imported alcohol costs money. There is always a mountain of suckers and cookies near the bar.

There was only one queue to the restaurant, the rest of the time there were enough tables for everyone. They feed to kill. Well, this, of course, is for the inexperienced belly. A sea of ​ ​ vegetables in all states, sweet; I counted 15 types of local tea (in bags), instant coffee in a huge thermos in a restaurant, boiled coffee in bars. Both tea and coffee are available from morning to night, which again is a problem in many hotels. Potatoes, omelets, chicken, fish are always there, even for breakfast. Feast of the belly, in short.

There have always been fruits, more or less varied, but always oranges, apples, bananas. With you, they will be cleaned and cut (hands in cellophane gloves), in any quantity.

Almost every evening is themed: Arabic, European, Egyptian, appropriate staff outfits, menus and entertainment. For example, on an Arabic evening in a restaurant, a trio walked between the tables and sang something like our ditties in Arabic.

Tip: always carry a camera with you, you never know where a colorful character will appear from. With this trio, everyone in the restaurant took a photo.

The room is cleaned daily, towels are changed every day, it is enough to throw a towel on the floor, it will be changed in the next round. Bed linen was changed only once a week. They didn’t leave money, but there was always order. Once we did not have time to clean up, because after the tour we slept for half a day.
If the merchants understand that you are Russian, they will get you so much that at the end of the evening you will send obscene language to them, even if you never knew how to do this before ...In the end, we managed to listen about the hookah-hookah, the balalaika T-shirt, "there is no market, brother ", one even quoted Pushkin ...To the question "Friend, where from? " They answered "Romania", he had nothing to answer, because he did not know where it was, and we pretended that we did not understand anything except in Romanian. Everything, we were free. Until the next outlet...

About outlets. The show "1000 and 1 night" has a large selection, taxi drivers will take you there if you say "Fantasy". Red taxi price -10 pounds. From 12 o'clock all the traders are at the post. In shop No. 23 (pointers on the pillars) you can buy glossy magazines with excellent photos and descriptions of the Red Sea, Egyptian art and sculpture in Russian, English, German. Cost 65 local money. In our hotel, the same one was sold for 78. It is better to change the money in a bank, somewhere not far from the hotel.
The rate was 5.5 local pounds per buck. In the bazaar, the rate will already be 8-10 pounds per dollar. So paying with local tugriks is cheaper.

By the way, bargain with everyone, even with taxi drivers, but BEFORE you get into the car. We left the market at Old Sharm, took out £.10 and named the hotel. Three refused, the fourth was lucky, although he also wanted 15. We said that this was the last one, the pockets were empty. He had a choice, but there are a lot of tourists, and even more taxi drivers.

"1000 and 1 night" is a great place. Imitation of the Sultan's palace with matching stained glass windows, paintings, sculptures and fountains. There is where to take a picture. The people are always full. It is better to come to the opening, then you will take the best seats closer to the stage. Entry £.15.

Taxis at the hotel can be ordered at the reception or at the security, but it's easier to catch on the street, and cheaper. They pass by at intervals of a minute. White and blue Toyotas and Hyundais, make no mistake: they beep at every pedestrian.
And not only taxi drivers, but also trucks, and buses, and even fuel trucks. This is to compensate for the missing traffic rules. Apparently, so that you suddenly don’t equalize under the wheels ...

Guide Ragush is a separate song. In general representatives (two of them) from Mostravel were in the lobby for 3 hours in the morning and 3 in the evening every day. Any problems, questions - to them. A day before departure, information about the flight is posted on the notice board. Ragush is offended when they do not buy excursions from him, becomes an annoyed boor.

We were in Egypt for the first time, where we didn’t know what to buy better, we decided not to take risks, not to go to tour agencies on the street, we bought tours from a guide (although according to rumors, he sometimes has a trip 4 times more expensive). Moreover, they didn’t know in advance whether insurance was valid if the tour was not bought through a tour operator, so they decided through Ragush.

They never regretted it: the buses are always new, with air conditioning, they came for us at the exact time indicated, the instructor came to the reception for us and even waited once for 10 minutes when we were late. Without a single reproach. And there were always few people in our groups, which ensured a half-empty yacht, which means comfortable 7 hours and almost a personal instructor, and on rafting instead of a caravan of 30 people there were only 15 of us. Again, less queue at stops, more speed in motion, and we were photographed in beautiful places against the backdrop of Merya or mountains, and not pop neighbors.

Finally, advice: at any time of the year, take fumitox from mosquitoes with you, we grabbed it and slept peacefully: there are a lot of mosquitoes at night, because the pool and vegetation are nearby. Many suffered, walked tired, and there such a thing is difficult to find.

Take water to your room at the restaurant in the cooler during the day. Otherwise, you will want to drink at night, in the bar you will be handed a half-dollar for 3 bucks.
Everything except bottled water is not allowed to be taken out of the restaurant. Bags are checked. In the room at night, if you are hungry, you can order pizza or Mc'Donald's.

And further. There are many of our compatriots at the resort, in the "working link" - as guides, instructors or just in the animation team. Take a newspaper or magazine in Russian with you, they will remember you for a long time!
Have a nice holiday!
Translated automatically from Russian. View original